Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council

180 support services available across this Council. View services available across Northern Ireland

Enjoy a new, recharged you that can look at life from a new, healthier perspective.

Enjoy a new, recharged you that can look at life from a new, healthier perspective.

Millburn Complementary Therapy Centre
Coleraine and surrounding areas.

"Check In" service, CAN TV Activities & emergency support, Deliveries for Pharmacies, Waste Collection

"Check In" service, CAN TV Activities & emergency support, Deliveries for Pharmacies, Waste Collection

CAN - Compass Advocacy Network Ltd
20 Seymour Street, Ballymoney, BT53 6JR

'Castlerock cares' - Coronavirus Community Response

'Castlerock cares' - Coronavirus Community Response

Castlerock Community Association
Castelrock Community Association, Information Centre, 1 Circular Road, Castlerock, Coleraine, BT514DF

Action for Children's Family Support, Fostering, Young Carers, Supported Accom, Supporting Lodgings, Floating Support

Action for Children's Family Support, Fostering, Young Carers, Supported Accom, Supporting Lodgings, Floating Support

Action for Children, Northern Ireland
Action For Children NI, Loughshore House, 10 Heron Road Belfast BT3 9LE

Armoy Coronavirus Support Group

Armoy Coronavirus Support Group

Armoy Community Association
Tilly Molloy Building, Main Street, Armoy, BT53 8RQ

Ashes to Gold OASIS is a Mental Health Charity who provides support to vulnerable adults.

Ashes to Gold OASIS is a Mental Health Charity who provides support to vulnerable adults.

Ashes To Gold

BCRC 1+1 Bi-lingual Mental Health & Well-Being Support

BCRC 1+1 Bi-lingual Mental Health & Well-Being Support

Building Communities Resource Centre
Building Communities Resource Centre, Units 22-23 Acorn Business Park, 2 Riada Drive, Ballymoney BT53 7LH

BCRC Community Navigator

BCRC Community Navigator

Building Communities Resource Centre
Building Communities Resource Centre, Units 22-23 Acorn Business Park, 2 Riada Drive, Ballymoney BT53 7LH

BCRC Ethnic Minority Support Service

BCRC Ethnic Minority Support Service

Building Communities Resource Centre
Building Communities Resource Centre, Units 22-23 Acorn Business Park, 2 Riada Drive, Ballymoney BT53 7LH

Causeway Foodbank - EMERGENCY FOOD

Causeway Foodbank - EMERGENCY FOOD

Vineyard Compassion
10 Hillmans Way, Coleraine, BT552ED

Community Transport

Community Transport

North Coast Community Transport
277 Dunhill Road, Coleraine, Londonderry, BT51 3QJ

Emergency Provision - Foodbank & RESET Social Supermarket (Food Poverty)

Emergency Provision - Foodbank & RESET Social Supermarket (Food Poverty)

Vineyard Compassion
Hope Center, 10 Hillmans Way, Coleraine, BT52 2ED

Emotional and Practical support for families

Emotional and Practical support for families

Home-Start Causeway
Home-Start Causeway, 74-76 Railway Road, Coleraine, BT52 1PG

Empowerment through photography and story sharing

Family Support Services

Family Support Services

Focus on Family Nurturing & Development Centre
Glenburn House, 11-19 Glenburn Crescent, Ballysally, Coleraine, BT52 2QR

Food Delivery

Food Delivery

The Royal British Legion
11 Townhead St, Ballymoney BT53 6BE

FREE Counselling (phone/video call) & Online CBT - Emotional Wellbeing / Mental Health support

Free Website Advice

Free Website Advice

The Web Co.
Remote Service

Free, independent, impartial and confidential advice on a wide range of issues

Free, independent, impartial and confidential advice on a wide range of issues

Community Advice Causeway
2nd Floor, 1-5 Brook Street Coleraine BT52 1PW

Freephone Advice Helpline

Freephone Advice Helpline

Advice NI
Northern Ireland

Garvagh: befriending, telephone counselling & deliveries

Garvagh: befriending, telephone counselling & deliveries

Garvagh Development Trust
85 Main Street Garvagh BT51 5AB

Glenshane House

Glenshane House

Glenshane Community Development Ltd
Glenshane House, 112-114 Main Street, Dungiven BT47 4LG

Glenshane House

Glenshane House

Glenshane Community Development Ltd
Glenshane House, 114 Main Street, Dungiven, BT47 4LN

Helpline for people experiencing or concerned about harm, abuse or exploitation of older people

Helpline for people experiencing or concerned about harm, abuse or exploitation of older people

Hourglass (formerly Action on Elder Abuse Northern Ireland)
Newry, BT35 5DH

information and support available for those affected by dementia

information and support available for those affected by dementia

Alzheimer's Society
Alzheimer's Society NI National Office 30 Skegoneill Street Belfast BT15 3JP

Keysafes fitting, Morning calls, advice and information

Keysafes fitting, Morning calls, advice and information

Causeway Older Active Strategic Team (COAST)
Causeway Coast and Glens, BT52 1EY

Made in Heaven- free Matchmaking Service - Animal Rescue: Newtownabbey

Made in Heaven- free Matchmaking Service - Animal Rescue: Newtownabbey

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust
PO Box 198, Newtownabbey, BT36 9PB

Mediation Covid Support

Mediation Covid Support

Mediation Northern Ireland
83 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HP

men's health and wellbeing

men's health and wellbeing

Men's Action Network (MAN)
2nd Floor Old City Factory, 100 Patrick Street, Derry, BT48 7EL

Mental Health & Wellbeing Support for our local community

Mental Health & Wellbeing Support for our local community

Solas Wellbeing
62 Ann Street Ballycastle BT54 6AD

Mindfulness training to relieve stress

Mindfulness training to relieve stress

40-44 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast BT15 2GG

Northern Area Family Support Hubs

Northern Area Family Support Hubs

Action for Children, Northern Ireland
NI Loughshore House, 10 Heron Road Belfast BT3 9LE

Online Family Activities

Online Family Activities

Benbradagh Community Support
Office 1A, 116 Main Street, Dungiven, Derry, BT47 4LG

Online/phone shopping delivery, Transport to nurse/ferry, Local community information

Online/phone shopping delivery, Transport to nurse/ferry, Local community information

Rathlin Development and Community Association
Rathlin Resource Centre, Rathlin Island, BT54 6RT

Pet Food Bank & Project Wildcat Schemes

Pet Food Bank & Project Wildcat Schemes

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust
PO Box 198 Newtownabbey BT36 9BP

Phone and skype CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) consultations

Phone and skype CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) consultations

Millburn Complementary Therapy Centre
65 Millburn Road, Coleraine, BT52 1QX

Prescription medication collection & delivery / Grocery shopping and delivery (up to 10 items) / Telephone befriending / Signposting

Providing daily lifestyle, wellbeing and health support+ our very own YouTube channel.

Resources and Services for All Ages and Abilities

Resources and Services for All Ages and Abilities

Mae Murray Foundation
A6 Willowbank Business Park, Larne

Roe Valley Ancestral Researchers community organisation members and public referrals for assistance.

Roe Valley Ancestral Researchers community organisation members and public referrals for assistance.

Roe Valley Ancestral Researchers
Rascahan House, 44A Ballykelly Road, Ballykelly, Limavady, BT49 9DS

Rural Support – guiding, supporting & listening to farmers and farm families across Northern Ireland

Support & Advice on Covid-19

Support & Advice on Covid-19

Developing Healthy Communities
Building 83, Ledgweidge Avenue, Ebrington, Derry/Londonderry BT47 6GZ

Support for those aged 8-18 with a diagnosis of autism/and or associated conditions + siblings and families

Telephone and Video Counselling

Telephone and Video Counselling

Links Counselling Service
23a Castle Lane Lurgan BT67 9BD

Telephone counselling support for self-harm and suicidal ideation

Telephone counselling support for self-harm and suicidal ideation

Zest - Healing the Hurt
15 Queen Street, Londonderry BT48 7EQ

Vincent's Kilrea is providing food deliveries, helping with transport and social contact.

Vincent's Kilrea is providing food deliveries, helping with transport and social contact.

Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP)
Vincent's Kilrea, 52 Maghera Street, Kilrea, BT51 5QN

Woodland Walk in Farlow Wood for those aged 60+, four Saturdays in October 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th - FREE funded by Western Trust

Young People Gambling Support Service

Young People Gambling Support Service

GamCare provides services throughout Northern Ireland

Enjoy a new, recharged you that can look at life from a new, healthier perspective.

Millburn Complementary Therapy Centre

Coleraine and surrounding areas.

COVID-19 Service

The Sport Wellbeing Hub

Sport Northern Ireland

COVID-19 Service

"Check In" service, CAN TV Activities & emergency support, Deliveries for Pharmacies, Waste Collection

CAN - Compass Advocacy Network Ltd

20 Seymour Street, Ballymoney, BT53 6JR

COVID-19 Service

'Castlerock cares' - Coronavirus Community Response

Castlerock Community Association

Castelrock Community Association, Information Centre, 1 Circular Road, Castlerock, Coleraine, BT514DF

COVID-19 Service

Action for Children's Family Support, Fostering, Young Carers, Supported Accom, Supporting Lodgings, Floating Support

Action for Children, Northern Ireland

Action For Children NI, Loughshore House, 10 Heron Road Belfast BT3 9LE

COVID-19 Service

Advice on health and mental health

Belfast Islamic Centre

COVID-19 Service

Armoy Coronavirus Support Group

Armoy Community Association

Tilly Molloy Building, Main Street, Armoy, BT53 8RQ

COVID-19 Service

Art Journaling

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

COVID-19 Service

Ashes to Gold OASIS is a Mental Health Charity who provides support to vulnerable adults.

Ashes To Gold


COVID-19 Service

Aware: Support Line


COVID-19 Service

Basic Supplies For Vulnerable Families

Action for Children, Northern Ireland

COVID-19 Service

BCRC 1+1 Bi-lingual Mental Health & Well-Being Support

Building Communities Resource Centre

Building Communities Resource Centre, Units 22-23 Acorn Business Park, 2 Riada Drive, Ballymoney BT53 7LH

COVID-19 Service

BCRC Community Navigator

Building Communities Resource Centre

Building Communities Resource Centre, Units 22-23 Acorn Business Park, 2 Riada Drive, Ballymoney BT53 7LH

COVID-19 Service

BCRC Ethnic Minority Support Service

Building Communities Resource Centre

Building Communities Resource Centre, Units 22-23 Acorn Business Park, 2 Riada Drive, Ballymoney BT53 7LH

COVID-19 Service

Benefits advice

Law Centre NI

West Gate House, 2-4 Queen Street, Belfast

COVID-19 Service

Bowel Cancer UK - Information and Support

Bowel Cancer UK

COVID-19 Service

Cancer Chat (Online Forum)

Cancer Research UK

COVID-19 Service

Causeway Foodbank - EMERGENCY FOOD

Vineyard Compassion

10 Hillmans Way, Coleraine, BT552ED

COVID-19 Service

Child Bereavement

Barnardo's NI

COVID-19 Service


NSPCC / ChildLine

COVID-19 Service

Children and young people up to 18/21 for young people with disabilities and care experienced young people.

Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

COVID-19 Service