Belfast Exposed's Photography Projects during Isolation.

Belfast Exposed

Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Information and advice
  • Other

Help offered for organisations

  • Information and advice
  • Other
Help offered

Belfast Exposed has developed a new range of services to keep the community connected, inspired and engaged in these changing times.


Community Engagement Programme

We have adapted our Community Engagement programme to include a range of health and well-being projects through online & digital content, as well as, one-to-one phone calls. These projects aim is to combat isolation, support those suffering with mental health issues and support the well-being of those working from home. If you would like to enquire about our any aspect of our Community Engagement programme or health and well-being projects, you can contact Mervyn at:


Daily Activities for Children & Teens

Belfast Exposed has also developed a range of free daily activities for children and teens not in school, supporting families and communities and provide some fun. You can find these activities on our website:


'Home Life' Project

We invite you to join us in sharing your photographs documenting your life at home during isolation. We are sharing our favourites every day, and we will be producing an exhibition in our gallery later in the year to showcase the project.


Digital Programme

For those with an interest in photography, Belfast Exposed have launched our Digital programme which includes a range of activities, writings, images, video pieces and audio recordings to encourage creativity and critical thinking, and to expand your ability and understanding of photography. Link:


'Well-being Through Photography' Staff Engagement Programme

We have designed packages to work with your business to support your staff working from home. These are challenging times with Northern Ireland experiencing a different type of trauma that is anticipated to have lasting impacts, therefore, anything we can do to support employee’s mental health and well-being through fun and creative activities is a positive action.


Online Courses

We are currently developing a range of online photographic courses for participants to learn and develop new skills in photography while at home. These are expected to begin in May 2020, so keep an eye on our website for further details.

How to access this support

Community Engagement Programme - Contact Mervyn at:

Daily Activities for Children & Teens - Link:

Digital Programme - Link:

'Well-being Through Photography' - Contact Deirdre at:

'Home Life' Project - Contact Conor at:

Contact Name
Conor O'Brien
Email Address
Telephone number