Belfast City Council

232 support services available across this Council. View services available across Northern Ireland

'Keeping healthy & connected' befriending & practical service for seniors and people living alone

'Keeping healthy & connected' befriending & practical service for seniors and people living alone

Ballynafeigh Community Development Association
BCDA, 283 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT73GG

Action for Children's Family Support, Fostering, Young Carers, Supported Accom, Supporting Lodgings, Floating Support

Action for Children's Family Support, Fostering, Young Carers, Supported Accom, Supporting Lodgings, Floating Support

Action for Children, Northern Ireland
Action For Children NI, Loughshore House, 10 Heron Road Belfast BT3 9LE

Advice on any problem.

Advice on any problem.

Advice Space
58 Howard Street, Belfast, BT1 6PJ

Advice on Housing

Advice on Housing

NB Housing
282-290 Crumlin Road, Belfast, BT14 7EE

Andersonstown Area - Befriending and essential supplies support

Andersonstown Area - Befriending and essential supplies support

Upper Andersonstown Community Forum
37A Tullymore Gardens Belfast BT11 8NE

Baby Basics - basic essentials for newborn and older babies. Support for families in crisis.

Baby Basics - basic essentials for newborn and older babies. Support for families in crisis.

Church Army - North Belfast Centre of Mission
Connect Base, St. Columba's Church, Ballgomartin road , Belfast BT13 3NG

Benefit Advice, women specific advice Domestic Violence

Benefit Advice, women specific advice Domestic Violence

The Falls Women's Centre
256-258 Falls Road Belfast BT12 6AL

BHSCT Maternity Service Information Line

BHSCT Maternity Service Information Line

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
A Floor, Belfast City Hospital, Lisburn Road Belfast BT9 7AB

Careers N Kids is offering childcare to frontline parents

Careers N Kids is offering childcare to frontline parents

Careers N Kids
Careers n kids 81 Percy Street BT132HT

CLARE - Supports to socially isolated older people through a combination of social work and volunteer support.

Collating and coordinating local responses at neighbourhood level. Supporting collaboration.

Collating and coordinating local responses at neighbourhood level. Supporting collaboration.

East Belfast Community Development Agency
EBCDA, East Belfast Network Centre, 55 Templemore Avenue, Belfast BT5 4FP.

Community Development

Community Development

City Life Centre
143 Northumberland Street Belfast BT13 2JF

Community Family Support Programme

Community Family Support Programme

Ashton Centre
Ashton 5, Churchill street Belfast BT15 2BP

Community Response Covid 19

Community Response Covid 19

Southcity Resource and Development Centre
2 Maldon Street, Belfast, BT12 6HE

Counselling and Therapy

Counselling and Therapy

Jigsaw Community Counselling Centre
815 Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 8AA

Counselling support online and via telephone

Counselling support online and via telephone

East Belfast Community Counselling
East Belfast Community Counselling Centre, East Belfast Network Centre, 55 Templemore Avenue, Belfast, BT5 4FP

COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Response

Northern Ireland Alternatives
137 Agnes Street, BT13 1GG Belfast

COVID19 Community Action Plan

COVID19 Community Action Plan

Ardoyne Association
111 Etna Drive, Belfast, BT14 7NN

Creative Projects primarily for young people

Creative Projects primarily for young people

New Lodge Arts
Ashton Centre, 5 Churchill Street, Belfast BT15 2BP

Daily calls for elderly and vulnerable residents

Daily calls for elderly and vulnerable residents

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
Colin Neighbourhood Partnership Cloona House Belfast BT17 0LG

Domestic violence support services

Domestic violence support services

Belfast and Lisburn Women's Aid
30 Adelaide Park, Belfast, BT9 6FY

Early Intervention Family Support Project

Early Intervention Family Support Project

Ashton Centre
Ashton Centre 5 Churchill street Belfast BT15 2BP

East Belfast Coronavirus Community Support

East Belfast Coronavirus Community Support

East Belfast Coronavirus Community Support
East Belfast Network Centre, 55 Templemore Avenue, Belfast BT5 4FP.

Emergency Food Support

Emergency Food Support

North Belfast Foodbank
Ekenhead Halls 19 North Circular Road Belfast BT15 5HB

Emergency Respite for Children with Disabilities, as well as HOME SUPPORT

Emergency Respite for Children with Disabilities, as well as HOME SUPPORT

Sólás Charity
SOLAS Parkmore Builidng, 284A Ormeau Road, Belfast , BT7 2GB

Employability support

Employability support

Job Assist Centre West Belfast
689 Springfield Road Belfast BT12 7FP

Empowerment through photography and story sharing

Engage with Age - support for older people.

Engage with Age - support for older people.

Engage With Age
55 Templemore Avenue, Belfast, BT5 4FP

Family Support Hub

Family Support Hub

Northern Ireland Alternatives
Isthmus House, Belfast, BT6 9AS

Family Support services for families with children up to 12 years

Family Support services for families with children up to 12 years

New Lodge Duncairn Community Health Partnership
New Lodge Duncairn Community Health Partnership, 206 Duncairn Gardens Belfast BT15 2GN

Food banks delivery of food prescriptions etc

Food banks delivery of food prescriptions etc

Newbeginnings Community Development Group
6 York Road Belfast BT15 3HE

Food parcels

Food parcels

Willowfield Church
149 My Ladys Road, Belfast, BT6 8FE

Food Parcels + Essentials

Food Parcels + Essentials

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
Colin Neighbourhood Partnership Cloona House Belfast BT17 0LG

Food, gas electric, telephone counselling, information and advice

Food, gas electric, telephone counselling, information and advice

Lenadoon Community Forum / Community Counselling Service
Glen Community Complex, 41c Suffolk Road, Belfast, BT11 9PE

Forthspring Inter Community Group

Forthspring Inter Community Group

Forthspring Inter Community Group
373-375 Springfield Rd, Belfast BT12 7DG

Free career specific skills courses that enable you to keep up with change. From Make It Click and

Free online activities for young people aged 16-25 years with a physical disability in Belfast and surrounding areas

Free Website Advice

Free Website Advice

The Web Co.
Remote Service

Free, Confidential, Impartial 1-2-1 information, advice and guidance for unemployed people

Free, Confidential, Impartial 1-2-1 information, advice and guidance for unemployed people

Belfast Ascot House 24-31 Shaftesbury Square Belfast BT2 7DB

Freephone Advice Helpline

Freephone Advice Helpline

Advice NI
Northern Ireland

Fresh Food

Fresh Food

Lifehub NI
11a Bruce Street Belfast BT2 7JD

Fresh food packages

Fresh food packages

Lifehub NI
35 Townsend enterprise Park, 28 Townsend street BT13 2ES

Greater Shankill Community Support Helpline

Greater Shankill Community Support Helpline

Greater Shankill Partnership
331-333 Shankill Road, Belfast, BT13 3AA

Health and Safety Information

Health and Safety Information

Greater Village Regeneration Trust
337 Donegall Road Belfast BT12 6GP

Healthy Living Centre, providing practical and emotional support to local people.

Healthy Living Centre, providing practical and emotional support to local people.

Albert Street Community Centre ltd
The Maureen Sheehan Centre, 106 Albert Street, Belfast BT12 4HL

Help andadvice, community safety and support for drug and alcohol misuse in West Belfast

Help andadvice, community safety and support for drug and alcohol misuse in West Belfast

Falls Community Council
Falls Community Council, 275-277 Falls Road, Belfast BT12 6FD

Help for the community

Help for the community

West Belfast Partnership Board
218-226 Falls Road Belfast BT12 6AH

Help for the senior community in North Belfast

Help for the senior community in North Belfast

North Belfast Senior Citizens Forum
151 Cliftonville Rd, Belfast BT14 6JR

Help for those who are in isolation and cannot do their own shopping + befriending

Help for those who are in isolation and cannot do their own shopping + befriending

Together NI
Willowfield Bowling Club, Gibson Park Gardens, Belfast, BT6 9GN

Help for young people

Help for young people

Wishing Well Family Centre
7-9 Alliance Crescent Belfast BT147PL

Help in the community

Help in the community

Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland HAPANI
Botanic House,1-5 Botanic Avenue, Belfast, BT7 1JG

Helping Hands

Helping Hands

Artillery Youth Centre
Artillery youth Centre, Victoria Parade, Belfast BT15 2EL

Helping young people’s voices be heard and tell their stories through Headliners

Helpline for people experiencing or concerned about harm, abuse or exploitation of older people

Helpline for people experiencing or concerned about harm, abuse or exploitation of older people

Hourglass (formerly Action on Elder Abuse Northern Ireland)
Newry, BT35 5DH

Home visit of older people for support with distancing measures.

Homeless charity - supporting people who are homeless or could potentially become homeless

Housing Support

Housing Support

Belfast Central Mission
Grosvernor House, 5 Glengall Street, Belfast, BT12 5AD

Information and advice related to COVID-19

Information and advice related to COVID-19

Upper Springfield Development Trust
689 Springfield Road Belfast BT12 7FP

information and support available for those affected by dementia

information and support available for those affected by dementia

Alzheimer's Society
Alzheimer's Society NI National Office 30 Skegoneill Street Belfast BT15 3JP

Linking people to services in the Shankill area - covid-19

Linking people to services in the Shankill area - covid-19

West Belfast Athletic & Cultural Society
236-242 Shankill Road Belfast BT13 2BL

Lower North Belfast Family Support Hub

Lower North Belfast Family Support Hub

Ashton Centre
Ashton 5 Churchill Street Belfast BT15 2BP

Lower Oldpark Collect and Deliver

Lower Oldpark Collect and Deliver

Lower Oldpark Community Association
9-23 Avoca Street Belfast BT14 6EN

Made in Heaven- free Matchmaking Service - Animal Rescue: Newtownabbey

Made in Heaven- free Matchmaking Service - Animal Rescue: Newtownabbey

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust
PO Box 198, Newtownabbey, BT36 9PB

Meal Delivery Service to most Vulnerable & those in Isolation

Meal Delivery Service to most Vulnerable & those in Isolation

Ardoyne Association
111 Etna Drive, Belfast BT14 7NN

Mediation Covid Support

Mediation Covid Support

Mediation Northern Ireland
83 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HP

Mindfulness training to relieve stress

Mindfulness training to relieve stress

40-44 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast BT15 2GG

North Belfast Advice Partnership COVID19 SUPPORT

North Belfast Advice Partnership COVID19 SUPPORT

North Belfast Advice Partnership
The Wolfhill Centre 148 Ligoniel Road Belfast BT14 8DT

Offering support to the most vulnerable within the community.

Offering support to the most vulnerable within the community.

North Belfast Women's Initiative & Support Project
1a Glenbryn Park Belfast BT14 7JH

Pet Food Bank & Project Wildcat Schemes

Pet Food Bank & Project Wildcat Schemes

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust
PO Box 198 Newtownabbey BT36 9BP

Provides food for those in financial difficulty through a process of referral.

Provides food for those in financial difficulty through a process of referral.

South-West Belfast Foodbank
124 Stewartstown Road Belfast BT11 9JQ

Providing assistance to those who can't leave their house

Providing assistance to those who can't leave their house

Conway Education Centre
5/7 Conway Street, Belfast BT13 2DE

Providing daily lifestyle, wellbeing and health support+ our very own YouTube channel.

Providing Food Parcels to those who are in financial distress

Providing Food Parcels to those who are in financial distress

The Larder Community Food Hub
St Christopher's Church, 70 Mersey Street, Belfast BT4 1EW

Resources and Services for All Ages and Abilities

Resources and Services for All Ages and Abilities

Mae Murray Foundation
A6 Willowbank Business Park, Larne

Rural Support – guiding, supporting & listening to farmers and farm families across Northern Ireland

South Belfast COVID-19 Helpline

South Belfast COVID-19 Helpline

Forward South Partnership
23 University Street Belfast BT7 1FY

South Belfast Foodbank

South Belfast Foodbank

South Belfast Foodbank
South Belfast Foodbank, 12-24 University Avenue, Belfast, BT7 1GY

Springer's Afters-school Childcare

Springer's Afters-school Childcare

Forthspring Inter Community Group
Springers After-school Childcare

Support for cancer patients and their families in North Belfast

Support for cancer patients and their families in North Belfast

Cancer Lifeline
44 Alliance Avenue, Belfast, BT14 7PJ

Support for Elderly People in the Community - Good Morning phone call support service

Support for Elderly People in the Community - Good Morning phone call support service

Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group
Shaftesbury Community and Recreation Centre, 97 Balfour Avenue, Belfast BT7 2EW

Support for the Roma Community in Belfast - Helpline Service

Support for those aged 8-18 with a diagnosis of autism/and or associated conditions + siblings and families

Support for young people and community groups in and around Ardoyne

Support for young people and community groups in and around Ardoyne

Ardoyne Youth Enterprise
11a Flax Street, Belfast BT14 7EJ

Support to families and children

Support to families and children

Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group
Shaftesbury Community and Recreation Centre, 97 Balfour Avenue, Belfast BT7 2EW

Support to members of the Market community with issues ranging from employment, housing, benefits, education

Support to women and families + befriending service to isolated and vulnerable older people

Support to women and families + befriending service to isolated and vulnerable older people

Grace Women's Development Limited
40 Herbert St, Belfast BT14 7FE

Telephone contact to families with at least 1 child under the age of 5.

Telephone contact to families with at least 1 child under the age of 5.

Home-Start North Belfast
Jolly Roger Complex, 85 Alliance Road, BELFAST, BT14 7JE

The CORE Project is designed to support 16-24 year olds into Further Education or Employment.

Upper Springfield Advice

Upper Springfield Advice

Upper Springfield Development Trust
2b Springhill Drive, Belfast BT12 7SH

Walk INN Food Bank

Walk INN Food Bank

Belfast And Lisburn Community Project
27 Holywood Road Belfast BT4 3BA

Warm and Well Project

Warm and Well Project

National Energy Action (NEA) NI

We Continue to Provide Support to Young People Across The Greater New Lodge Area

We Continue to Provide Support to Young People Across The Greater New Lodge Area

Ashton Community Trust
New Lodge Youth Centre, Lepper St, Belfast BT15 2GH

Welfare Advice Service provides advice and assistance to make benefit claims,

Welfare Advice Service provides advice and assistance to make benefit claims,

Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre
Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre, 4-6 Donegall Street Place, Belfast, BT1 2FN

Willowfield COVID-19 Support

Willowfield COVID-19 Support

Willowfield Parish Community Association
149a My Lady's Road, Belfast BT6 8FE

Women and family support

Women and family support

Footprints Women's Centre
84a Colinmill Belfast BT17 0AR

Work and Wellbeing Support

Work and Wellbeing Support

Second Floor, Capital House, 3 Upper Queen Street, Belfast, BT1 6FB

Young People Gambling Support Service

Young People Gambling Support Service

GamCare provides services throughout Northern Ireland

The Sport Wellbeing Hub

Sport Northern Ireland

COVID-19 Service

'Keeping healthy & connected' befriending & practical service for seniors and people living alone

Ballynafeigh Community Development Association

BCDA, 283 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT73GG

COVID-19 Service

Action for Children's Family Support, Fostering, Young Carers, Supported Accom, Supporting Lodgings, Floating Support

Action for Children, Northern Ireland

Action For Children NI, Loughshore House, 10 Heron Road Belfast BT3 9LE

COVID-19 Service

Advice on any problem.

Advice Space

58 Howard Street, Belfast, BT1 6PJ

COVID-19 Service

Advice on health and mental health

Belfast Islamic Centre

COVID-19 Service

Advice on Housing

NB Housing

282-290 Crumlin Road, Belfast, BT14 7EE

COVID-19 Service

Andersonstown Area - Befriending and essential supplies support

Upper Andersonstown Community Forum

37A Tullymore Gardens Belfast BT11 8NE

COVID-19 Service

Art Journaling

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland

COVID-19 Service

Aware: Support Line


COVID-19 Service

Baby Basics - basic essentials for newborn and older babies. Support for families in crisis.

Church Army - North Belfast Centre of Mission

Connect Base, St. Columba's Church, Ballgomartin road , Belfast BT13 3NG

COVID-19 Service

Basic Supplies For Vulnerable Families

Action for Children, Northern Ireland

COVID-19 Service

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Staff Psychological Support Helpline

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

COVID-19 Service

Benefit Advice, women specific advice Domestic Violence

The Falls Women's Centre

256-258 Falls Road Belfast BT12 6AL

COVID-19 Service

Benefits advice

Law Centre NI

West Gate House, 2-4 Queen Street, Belfast

COVID-19 Service

BHSCT Maternity Service Information Line

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

A Floor, Belfast City Hospital, Lisburn Road Belfast BT9 7AB

COVID-19 Service

Bowel Cancer UK - Information and Support

Bowel Cancer UK

COVID-19 Service

Cancer Chat (Online Forum)

Cancer Research UK

COVID-19 Service

Careers N Kids is offering childcare to frontline parents

Careers N Kids

Careers n kids 81 Percy Street BT132HT

COVID-19 Service

Child Bereavement

Barnardo's NI

COVID-19 Service


NSPCC / ChildLine

COVID-19 Service

Children and young people up to 18/21 for young people with disabilities and care experienced young people.

Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

COVID-19 Service