54.59534, -5.9345499999999
Warm and Well Project
National Energy Action (NEA) NIBelfast
Type of support for people
- Information and advice
In partnership with Belfast Community Planning Partnership, the Warm and Well Project operates across all areas of Belfast. Support is offered directly to the public or to organisations working with people at risk of living in fuel poverty.
Our aim is to help local people struggling to keep their home warm, by offering advice and practical support to stay warm and well, and where appropriate, the provision of heating measures and discretionary financial assistance (subject to assessment) to alleviate the affects of living in cold and damp homes.
If you, or if you have concerns that someone you know, is vulnerable and finding it difficult to keep their home warm, contact National Energy Action (NEA NI) on 028 9023 9909 or email warmandwell@nea.org.uk.

National Energy Action (NEA) NI
National Energy Action (NEA NI)
Operating in the following council areas:
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