Child Bereavement

Barnardo's NI

Across Northern Ireland

Help offered for organisations

  • Counselling / bereavement support
Help offered

We support children and young people and their families/ carers who have been bereaved, including those who have experienced traumatic and sudden death, through our advice line.

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our traditional ways of marking our grief. Our rituals often provide comfort and can involve a wake, funeral, burial or cremation with a gathering or meal after the funeral and perhaps a month’s mind following. Our normal opportunities to share stories and memories of our loved one where we can laugh, cry and remember may not be possible. We can support ourselves and our children in different ways.

We have also produced a leaflet to help parents and carers talk to children about grieving at this time due to Covid 19. 


How to access this support

Links to the leaflets:

Grieving During COVID 19

How to explain death to children and young people and help them cope

Advice line Number:  07867 372711

Currently available on  Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 10am-1pm.
