British Red Cross Covid 19 Support - providing emotional and practical support to individuals, families and organisations

British Red Cross

Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Food / grocery / prescription delivery
  • Information and advice

Help offered for organisations

  • Care staff or trained volunteers
  • Transportation / vehicles
  • Discharge support
  • Information and advice
  • Other
Help offered

Providing emotional support to people affected by Covid-19

National Psychosocial Support Line Number 0808 196 3651 Open 7 days a week 10am – 6pm trained volunteers can help people who are experiencing emotional distress.


Providing additional resources: people, vehicles, food, equipment, accommodation, hardship support

If you (or your organisation) need additional volunteers or resources please fill in this quick form to help us understand what you need. You can request volunteers, or resources such as food, equipment, vehicles or accommodation. The form responses are reviewed daily and the relevant team will get back to you as soon as possible to help with your request.


Providing direct support to individuals & families

If you are an individual who needs help with food, welfare, emotional support you can contact us on by emailing or by calling 07710 732975. This email will be monitored 7 days a week between 8am – 6pm.

Refugee Support offers ongoing services to asylum seekers and refugees in Northern Ireland during COVID 19. Newly arrived asylum seekers can contact orientation team Louise 07925637249 and Rashed 07925637240.  For any other support, including access to services, issues arising or destitution, contact Niamh 07921406728, Abdelaziz 07843 344601  Enquiries can be emailed to

Mobility Aids

Our Mobility Aids Service primarily provides wheelchairs on loan to people with an illness, temporary loss of mobility, or facing personal crisis, for a short term period; the service is supported by the Health and Social Care Trusts and facilitated by the British Red Cross.



How to access this support or by calling 07710 732975 - email will be monitored 7 days a week between 8am and 6pm.

Contact Name
Paula Powell
Telephone number