54.577316262566, -5.9183064144789

Emergency Respite for Children with Disabilities, as well as HOME SUPPORT

Sólás Charity

SOLAS Parkmore Builidng, 284A Ormeau Road, Belfast , BT7 2GB

Type of support for people

  • Food / grocery / prescription delivery
  • Information and advice
  • Other
Help offered


Emergency Respite for Children with Disabilities;

  • Sólás will offer transport from the home to Sólás Parkmore Site, Ormeau Road, Belfast. Three hours care with two carers per childcare room. Transport home after the respite session. 
  • Referrals through the BHSCT (Disability) team or through the family support hubs.

Priority given to families where the child has healthcare plan, has SLD, and the family are struggling to cope without support. Children aged 3 to 14 years and residing in the Belfast Trust area will be prioritised.


  • Home Support - We have a team of home support workers providing online phone, email support to families of children with autism and who need advice and practical tools (visual schedules, choice boards, PECs), to manage at home. Families who engage in the programme are offered weekly advice sessions over the phone, as well as practical tools and sensory tools tailored specifically to the child's needs, and which can be dropped to the house by the home support worker. Referral to this programme via the Family Support Hubs in Belfast.


  • Early Years Support - Specifically targeting the 2-3 year old children with additional needs (in the process of a diagnosis for autism or other disability) - twice weekly phone calls, weekly newsletter,with ideas for sensory play and support, support with the statutory assessment process being carried out by EA, delivery of tools and sensory support toys to the home. Referral to this programme via Surestart South Belfast and through the Child Development Team at Bradbury or Carlisle Centre. Respite is also available to struggling families in 3 hours blocks, with transport from home to Sólás and return included subject to family situation, availability of staff, and family need.

Kids Educational Den - Urban Village area of South Belfast. Weekly worksheets, and phone clinics for all registered children, Support with literacy and numeracy via kidsden@solasbt7.com. Referrals directly to kidsden@solasbt7.com


  • Support with food vouchers, electric  - Sólás is a member of the South Belfast Foodbank and has access to food vouchers for families in the South Belfast area who need support.




How to access this support

AS above 


  • Respite can only be offered via a referral from the BHSCT (Disability team) or where we are working with a family already on our services and we are aware that they are great need. Enquiries to Liz at Sólás - respite@solasbt7.com


  • Home Support - Referral is through the Family Support Hubs


  • Early Years Support- Referral to Kathryn@solasbt7.com   or through South Belfast Surestart FAmily Support team. Priority will be given to those Early Years families referred in through South Belfast Surestart or already in our Early Years Service


  • Kids Den Literacy / Numeracy support - referral through Nikita -email -  kidsden@solasbt7.com . Priority wil be given to those families residing in the Urban Village area of South Belfast (Markets, Donegall Pass and Sandy Row) or the areas of influence -  Ormeau Road,  Donegall Road, Botanic or Lisburn Road.



Email Address
Telephone number
Sólás Charity

Sólás Charity

Sólás Special Needs Charity

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