A non judgmental listening service which allows people to explore their feelings and options.


Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
Help offered

We provide support to those experiencing distress. We will not judge nor be directive. Our trained volunteers will use active listening to allow callers to explore both their emotions and the options which may be available to them. If a caller needs specialist advice for a specific cause such as bereavement or domestic abuse, we've put together a list of specialist organisations , including contact details, which may be helpful. If a caller chooses to accept such signposting then we will continue to provide support. 

How to access this support
  1. Freephone number - 116123
  2. eMail - jo@samaritans.org
  3. Write a letter - Freepost RSRB-KKBY-CYJK , PO Box 9090 , Stirling , FK8 2SA
  4. Face to Face - This service is currently suspended as result of the Coronavirus outbreak. 
Email Address
Telephone number