Funding and Training. We provide support on new programme ideas, source potential funding and support the application, evaluation process

Support to the Blind and Visually Impaired with Education, Training, Skills and Financial Assistance

Support to BAME Communities and Refugees

Financial Help/Advice: Disabled Ex-Servicemen

Financial Advice To Thorndale Lifehouse Residents: Duncairn

Consultancy - Training and Employment Opportunities for Unemployed People: Ballysillan

Supported Housing and Resettlement for Offenders: North Belfast

One-Stop-Shop: Free Legal, Benefits and Housing Advice

Support Services to Refugees (Housing, Finances, Health, Education, Employment, Social Inclusion, etc)

Grant Management

Anti-poverty Awareness Service: New Lodge

Home-Visiting for Families (Isolation, Disability, Mental Health, Bereavement, Ilnesses, Poverty, Etc): North Belfast

Free Benefit Advice and Guidance: Belfast

Free Benefit Health Check: Belfast

Floating Support for Travellers: Belfast and Derry

Welfare Rights Advice for Republican Ex-Prisoners and Their Families: North Belfast

Philanthropy (Supporting Various Charities and Philanthropic Causes)

Housing Support for Older People: Greater Belfast

Core Project (Employability Programme for Young People Aged 16-24): North Belfast

Integrated Services for Children & Young People 4+ (Family Support): Greater Shankill Area

Financial Support to Families of Children Living with Heart Condition

Moving Forward, Moving On (Helping Young People 26-24 not in Education, Training or Employment and/or with Histyory of Offending Behaviour)

Welfare Advice: Address Urgent issues (Grief and the Effects of Trauma)

Refugee Florating Support Service

Financial Advice: York Street

Financial Advice

Services which provide advice and support around managing your money and expenses/bills.


38 support services available

Anti-poverty Awareness Service: New Lodge

Carrick Hill Residents Association

Carrick Hill Community Centre 2A Regent Street Belfast BT13 1EX

Benefits advice

Law Centre NI

West Gate House, 2-4 Queen Street, Belfast

COVID-19 Service

Financial Advice: York Street

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries / NCM HOUSE

218 York Street, Belfast, BT15 1GY

Financial Help/Advice: Disabled Ex-Servicemen

Northern Ireland Disabled Ex-Servicemen's Association

21 Talbot Street, Belfast BT1 2LD

Financial Support to Families of Children Living with Heart Condition

Children's Heartbeat Trust

Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland St, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Free Benefit Health Check: Belfast

Clanmil Housing Association

Northern Whig House, 3 Waring Street, Belfast, BT1 2DX

Grant Management

Groundwork Northern Ireland

63-75 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast, BT15 2GB

Philanthropy (Supporting Various Charities and Philanthropic Causes)

Belfast Charitable Society

2 North Queen Street, Belfast, Antrim BT15 1ES

Support to BAME Communities and Refugees

Christ Apostolic Church (New Life Sanctuary)

102 York Park, Belfast, BT15 3QX