Providing Support Groups: York Street

Refugee Florating Support Service

Support Services to Refugees (Housing, Finances, Health, Education, Employment, Social Inclusion, etc)

Asylum Seekers and Refugees Support Network

Orchestre des Réfugiés et Amis (Opportunities for Musicians with Refugee or Asylum to socialise and Express Their Culture)

Clothing Provision

Vocational Training for Adults from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: North Belfast

The Orientation Programme (Practical Information Concerning Housing): Belfast


Services which support people seeking asylum, and legislative advice around immigration issues.

13 support services available

Asylum Seekers and Refugees Support Network

The Rainbow Project

Belfast Office 23-31 Waring Street Belfast BT1 2DX

Clothing Provision

Storehouse Belfast

Storehouse Centre, 39 North Street Belfast BT1 1NA

Free legal advice and assistance

Law Centre NI

West Gate House, 2-4 Queen Street, Belfast

COVID-19 Service

Immigration advice

Law Centre NI

2nd Floor, Westgate House,

COVID-19 Service

Immigration Clinic

African and Caribbean Support Organisation Northern Ireland (ACSONI)

ACSONI, 1st Floor, 9 lower Crescent, Belfast m, BT7 1NR

Providing Support Groups: York Street

All Nations Ministries

c/o NCM House, 218 York Road, Belfast BT15 3QE

Vocational Training for Adults from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: North Belfast


The project is based over three main sites - Mallusk (2 Trench Road, Mallusk, Newtownabbey, BT36 4TY), Maghaberry Prison and Knockbracken - and also offers outreach training within the community.