Support to BAME Communities and Refugees

Steeper Steps (Emotional/Psychological Help for Marginalised and Excluded Young Women)

The Orientation Programme (Practical Information Concerning Housing): Belfast

Support Services to Refugees (Housing, Finances, Health, Education, Employment, Social Inclusion, etc)

FUTyouRES (Peace Programme Colombia - N. Ireland): Addressing Conflict and Legacy of Conflict

Orchestre des Réfugiés et Amis (Opportunities for Musicians with Refugee or Asylum to socialise and Express Their Culture)

Youth in Motion - Young People from all Communities, Religious and Ethnic Backgrounds to Come Together and Create Music

Community Development: Ireland Wide


Services which support any groups of people considered at risk of being marginalised due to belonging to BAME (Black and Minority Ethnic) groups, or any other social group which may face discrimination in society.

A minority group refers to a category of people who experience relative disadvantage as compared to members of a dominant social group.

12 support services available

Community Development: Ireland Wide

Multimedia Heritage

2 Fairyknowe Drive, Newtownabbey, County Antrim, BT36 7SD

Immigration advice

Law Centre NI

2nd Floor, Westgate House,

COVID-19 Service

Support to BAME Communities and Refugees

Christ Apostolic Church (New Life Sanctuary)

102 York Park, Belfast, BT15 3QX