Emergency Paediatric First Aid course

Awareness of Safeguarding

Paediatric First Aid course

CPR / AED course

Sports First Aid

Teachers First Aid Training

Naloxone Awareness’s

Anaphylaxis Awareness’s

LLTCA, Laurencetown - Activities at the centre and offered to the wider community

Young Womens Club

Foundation Stage ToolKits for Primary Schools

Stepping Stones NI Youth Service

Funded Gambling Awareness Workshops for Professionals

Young People Gambling Support Service

Futures Project youth training programme

Ernie W. Davis Fund

Diversity and Difference Awareness Programme for Primary and Post-Primary Pupils

Speech & Language (Development) Team: Belfast

ACE Junior (Youth Club for Children Aged P1 - P5): Newtownabbey

Junior Christian Endeavour (Club for Children 4-12): Shore Road, Duncairn

Kids & Young People Scout Groups: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service: Crumlin Road

Youth Development - Senior Youth Club (Secondary School Age): New Lodge

Irish Dancing Classes: Cliftonville

Support to Scouting Ireland Groups: North Belfast

Connect - Youth Programme: Glengormley

Alcohol and Drugs (Programme for Students)

Activities for Older Children: Ballygomartin

Christian Endeavour: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Sunday School: Duncairn

Sunday School: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

After school club (P1 - P3; P4 - P7): New Lodge

Youth Development - Junior Club: New Lodge

Youth Working Group: Crumlin/Ardoyne

Youth club (Year 8 to 12): Woodvale

KFC (Kids for Christ): Glengormley

Gang Culture (Programme for Children and Young Adults)

Community Group - Youth Activities: Glebe, Newtownabbey

Boy's Club: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Shalom Creche: Cliftonville

Guides, Bunnies and Brownies: Glencairn

Community Centre: York Street, Duncairn

You and Me Programme - Young People Aged 12 to 15: New Lodge

Football Club for Children and Seniors: Shore Road

Earn As You Learn (18-25 Year Olds who Wish to Gain Training and Experience in Youth Leadership)

Trekkers (Older Children): Glengormley

Drugs Awareness for Children at Primary level

Programmes For Young Children: Shankill

Holiday Club: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

PCN Glow (Youth Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Church Activities: Forth River

School Engagement - The Promotion of Design and Digital Fabrication in Classrooms

Child Health Services: Falls

Extra-curricular Activities: Hill Croft Special School

Autism Advisory & Intervention Service (AAIS)

After School Playgroup: Carnmoney

Counselling Service to Schools

Residential Programs (Summer Scheme for Students)

Youth Club: Ballyhenry, Newtownabbey

Crèche (Children 0-4): People's Church Newtownabbey

Boys Brigade: York Road

Qualifications for School Leavers (16/17 years old)

Children & Immunisations - Church View Medical Practice: Shankill

Community Development: Woodvale, Shankill

Language & Communication (Pupils With Identified Language Difficulties)

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHs)

Peer Pressure Awareness for Children

Special Football Sessions for Disabled Children: Newtownabbey

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

PCN Kidzone (Children's Club): Mallusk, Newtownabbey

KFC - Kids for Christ: York Road

Youth Activities: Glengormley, Newtownabbey

Immunisation Clinic: Antrim Road, Chichester Park

Playgroup: Ballygomartin

Youth Centre: Cliftonville

Community and Volunteer Development: Rathcoole, O'Neill

Buddy System - Senior Pupils as Buddies

Junior Youth Club: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

CREW – Youth Fellowship/Club: Glengormley

Beaver Scouts: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Ignite - Youth Club: York Road

Youth Centre: Innisfayle

Child Health Surveillance: Antrim Road, Chichester Park

Youth Club (5-16 years Old): North Belfast

NEETS & Employability Services (Young People Aged 16-24): North Belfast

Health Visiting Support for Families: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel Ward

Mental/Emotional Health Awareness (Students at Year 8 & 10 and Senior Students in Lower and Upper 6th Form)

Children's Church: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Friday Club Juniors: Glengormley

Cub Scouts: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Community Good News Club: York Road

Disability Support: New Lodge

Clinics and Services: Duncairn

Youth Engagement Service - Advice and Signposting: Substance Use, Mental Health, Training

Intensive Youth Support (IYS): Help to Young Offenders

Early Years Programmes - e.g. Stay and Play, Song and Rhyme: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel

Mindfulness Meditation (Mental Health Wellbeing)

Girls Brigade: Ballycraigy, Newtownabbey

LHB Youth Club (Children in Secondary School): Shankill

Guides and Senior Guides: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Summer Scheme: York Road

Drop In - Young People: New Lodge

Medical Clinics: Legoniel

Community Development - Young People: Burnthill

Schools Work - Programmes Which Deliver Education and Awareness of Restorative Practices: North Belfast

Speech, Language and Communication Support: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel Ward

Stress Management Programme

Boys Brigade: Ballycraigy, Newtownabbey

Edge Youth Club (Children P4-P7): Shankill

Brownies: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Table Tennis: York Road

‘New Look, New Lodge’ Programme for Girls 8-11 Year Old (Personal and Social Development): New Lodge

Childhood Immunisations: Willow Medical Practice, New Lodge

Involving Young People in Community Cohesion and Relations: North Belfast

Training Sessions (Athletics) - Juniors: Oldpark, North Belfast

Year 8 Students Transition Programme

Youth Club: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Hope Kids Club (Children in Primary School): Shankill

Rainbows: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service: Belfast

Fearless - Young Women's Group (Keeping Safe During Life's Challenges): New Lodge

After School Playgroup: Abbey

Playgroup (Children): Newtownabbey

The Loft - Youth Club: Antrim Road, Fortwilliam

Supergang (Youth Group for Primary and Secondary Childrens): Newtownabbey

Young Persons' Programmes: North Belfast

Boys Brigade: Shankill

Seek - Young Adults Ministry (aged 18-30): Shankill

Sunday School: Antrim Road, Innisfayle

Family Support Service: Belfast

Youth Club - History: New Lodge

Football Sessions (Boys and Girls 4-19 Years Old): North Belfast

Pope John Paul II Award

Mood Matters For Young People © (Young People 14-18 Year Old)

Managing Anger (For Children)

Teen Suicide Awareness: Students, Teachers and Parents

Hindu Community Centre: Special Activities for Kids

Kids & Tots (Space for Children to Relax and Play): Belfast

Boys Brigade: Woodvale

Health Visiting: Belfast

Health & Wellbeing for Girls - Getting Fit: New Lodge

GAA Club Sessions (Children)

Youth Group: Chichester Park

Youth Development: Fortwilliam

Cyberbullying (Post-Primary Students)

S.T.A.R. Programme for Children: North Belfast

Engage - Social Nights: Newtownabbey

Girlguiding (Girls Aged 10-15): Cavehill

Girl Guides, Brownies & Rainbows: Woodvale

Community Paediatrics: Belfast

Young Mens Group - Improving Confidence and Community Relations: New Lodge

Junior Boxing Sessions: New Lodge

Playgroup/Afterschool: Cliftonville

Playgroup (Children 3-4 Years Old): Duncairn

P7 Transition Year Issues Programme

REACH Programme - Personal Development: North Belfast

Girls Brigade: Abbots Cross, Newtownabbey

The Boys' Brigade - Anchor Boys: North Circular Road

Youth Club: Newtownabbey

School Health Services: Schools in Belfast

Youth Forum (Advocacy and Events for Young People 14-16): New Lodge

Boxing Class: Water Works

Local Group - Deaf Children and Young People and Their Families: Newtownabbey

Educational Skills and Qualifications + Awareness Raising on Violence

Anger Management Service: Training/Mentoring

Relationships (Programme for Children)

ACE Youth (Young People Aged P6 Onwards): Newtownabbey

Girls' Brigade: Shore Road, Duncairn

The Church Lads' & Church Girls' Brigade: Church Road, Newtownabbey

Speech & Language Therapy: Shankill, Belfast

You and Me Programme - Young People Aged 12 to 15: New Lodge

Basketball 'Stars' of the future (5 -12 years old): Antrim Road, Water|Works

Personal Development Programmes for Young People (Mental Health, Drug Awareness, Homelessness, Leadership, etc): Ballygomartin

Toy Bank for Girls and Boys from Low Income Families: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Childline / Helpline for Children on Issues that Matter to Them

WTL Football for Boys and Girls 7-12: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Youth Community and Personal Development: Manor Street, Cliftonville

Creative Writing Workshops for Schools - available online

Duke Of Edimburgh Scheme (Supporting the Personal and Social Development of Young People 14-25)

Butterfly Club (Afterschool Club for Children with Special Needs): City Life Centre, Shankill

Amplify (Building Good Relations and Positive Actions for Young People 16-24)

Abbey Allsorts (Space for Children with Special Needs and their Sibling to Come Together): Newtownabbey

Promotion of LIFEMAPS Mental Health Model (How to Cope with Ups and Downs in Life)

Connect Youth (Boys): Hammer Leisure Centre, Duncairn

Drama Classes for Children: Glengormley

Steeper Steps (Emotional/Psychological Help for Marginalised and Excluded Young Women)

Disability Project: North Belfast

Drama Classes for Children: Oldpark

Youth Work Training Coherent Training Route (CTR): Accredited Pathway for Young Leaders, Volunteers and Youth Workers

Young Carers for Disabled or Ill Siblings/Parents: Duncairn

Gateway Support Team (Domestic Violence - Women and Children): Belfast

DAISY (Person-centred Programme for Young People and Children Affected by Substance Misuse)

Girl Guides: Shankill Road

Write Club (ages 13-18) - Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m.

Monday Club for Boys and Girls of Primary School Age: Shankill Road

Young Persons' Substance Use

The Girls Brigade: Shankill

After School Programme for 5-12 Year Olds: Ballygomartin

Girls Brigade: Shore Road

Community Relations (Cross-Community Cultural Diversity): Ballygomartin

Scouts: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Leadership & Active Citizenship for Young People Within their Community: Ballygomartin

The Well (Ministry to Young Adults 13-30 Years Old): Shore Road, Innisfayle

After Schools Programme: Duncairn

Fostering Partnership (Young People 12-18): Belfast

On the Right Track! Personal Change Programme (13 to 16-year-olds Involved in the Youth Justice System): Belfast

Youth Club & Drop-in (P5+): Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Early Intervention Support Service (EISS): Families with Children 0-18

Working with Young People Qualifications

Drop In Sessions - Young People (11-18): Woodvale

CO-MENT (Support to Young People 16-24 Not In Education, Employment or Training): North Belfast

Training For Teachers and Trainees on Children's Rights

Involving Young Researchers in NCB's Work (Training and Support)

Tasters (Cross-community Arts Activities): North Belfast

Mini Moon (Disco for Children with Learning Disabilities): Belfast

Youth Club Services: Ardoyne

Recruitement and Support to Foster Carers (Children with Extra Needs)

Pathways Project (Programme for 15-16 at Risk of Offending and being Excluded from Mainstream Education): Belfast

Early Years - Let's Play and Grow Project (Deaf Children Aged 0-8 & Families)

Family Support Hubs - Signposting To Relevant Services

Domestic Abuse, Recovering Together (DART™): Help to Children and Mothers Domestically Abused

Group Work - Personal and Social Development Programmes for Youth: Woodvale

Breakthrough (Work) Programme for Young People (14-24 years old): Greater North Belfast, Shankill and Newtownabbey

More Volume - Youth Project on Music and Event Management

Young Leaders Programme - OCN Level 2: New Lodge

Youth Alive: Rathcoole, Newtownabbey

Programmes for Young People: New Lodge

Choices for Children (Inclusion of Disabled Children in Community Services in B&SHSCT)

Youth Clubs: Children and Young Deaf & Hard of Hearing People

Independent Visitor (IV) Scheme - Befriending and Support Service to 11-18 in Care with Poor Family Relations

In Ctrl: Programme for Children 9-13 to Prevent Online Sexual Abuse

Mentoring for Young People (Guidance): Woodvale

Preschool Playgroup: Collinbridge

Volume Control (Events and Industry Enterprise Mentoring Programme for Young People 14-19)

Youth Advisory Group (Young Advocates): 13+ years

Community Development through Group Activity: Fortwilliam

Support Services for Young People: Ardoyne

Family Connections (Working With Schools and Community in the Newtownabbey Area)

BHSCT Employability Mentoring Service for Young People: Belfast

Creative Paths (Helping Children and Young People and People Working with Them to Achieve their Project)

Women as Protectors: Women in contact with a Man at risk of Sexually Harm Children

Volunteering Development Programme (Working With Children and Young People): Woodvale

Active Mentoring in Community Settings: Belfast

Information and Advice on Apprenticeships: Glengormley

Development and Training Opportunities (Enhancing Skills and Employability - Local People)

Preschool Playgroup: Glengormley

Fandom - Social Forum for Young Adults Socially Isolated or with a Form of Autism/Asperger's Syndrome

Semi-independent Accommodation and Support for Young People Leaving Care: Belfast & Ballymena

BHSCT Employability Service for Young People: Belfast

Support and Care For Ill Children and Their Families: Children's Hospice

Personal Development - Children & Young People: IMprovement of Confidence, Self-esteem and Skills

Advocacy Service for Young People: Belfast

Youth Intervention (Young People in Need): Belfast

Art Therapy - Helping People Express Their Feelings and Deal with Their Emotional Problems

Integrated Services for Children and Young People: Greater Shankill

Drop-in for Young People: Ballysillan

PATHS ® (Social and Emotional Learning Skills Programme for Children 4-11)

Supporting Dads (Children with Life Long Illnesses): Children's Hospice

Holiday Play Schemes for Local Children (5-11): New Lodge

Investing in Children Ireland: Involving Children Organisations in Delivering Services

Play Therapy - Helping Children Express Their Feelings and Deal with Their Emotional Problems

Group Work for Youth - Community Development: Ballysillan

Ready To Learn (After-school Literacy Programme for Primary School Children)

DAISY East: Information and Advice for Young People on Alcohol and Drugs

Teenage Weekends (Care and Support for Life Limited Teenagers): Children's Hospice

Out of Schools Club: New Lodge

Policy Service for Young People: Belfast

Positive Futures - Cross Community Relations Programme (Countering Young People's Anti-social Behaviour): Newtownabbey

Integrated Services for Children & Young People 4+ (Family Support): Greater Shankill Area

School Counselling for Pupils: Legoniel

Inter-Generational Work: Ballysillan

Time 4 Me (School-based Counselling and Wrap-around Support to Primary, Special and Post-Primary Schools)

Aiming Higher - Project Under Evaluation (Mentoring Project for Young People)

Playgroup (Children 2-3 Years Old): New Lodge

The Box Breakfast Club: Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Antenatal Diagnosis Service: Children with a Heart Condition

Mentoring and Discipleship Groups for Youth: Ballysillan

Free, Confidential Sexual Health Advice for Under 25s

Training Programmes (Employability): North Belfast

National Citizenship Service (NCS) - Youth: Building Skills and Friendships

Employability (Assisting Young People 16+ Leaving Care): Western And Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Star Youth Project (Programme for Young People 11-21): New Lodge

Family Fun (Child Care Experiences for Children): North Belfast

Community Centre - Activities, Events and Programmes: Duncairn

Outpatients: Children Living with a Heart Disease

Partnership with the Youth Justice Agency: Ballysillan

Marrowbone Community Hub/ Marrowbone Youth Club

Home-Visiting for Families (Isolation, Disability, Mental Health, Bereavement, Ilnesses, Poverty, Etc): North Belfast

Protect Life (Vulnerable Young People at Risk of Self-harm, Suicide and Poor Emotional Health and Wellbeing)

Essential Potential (Providing Young People with Essential Skills Qualifications)

Homeless Young People Support Services: Belfast

Youth Project (Republican Ex-Prisoners and their Families): North Belfast

Support for Children with Special Needs: Duncairn

Children's after School Club and Weekend Club: Ballygomartin

TRIBE Retreat: Young People 17-21 with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)

Local Social Action: Ballysillan

Christmas Food Programme: Greater Belfast

Youth Club: Ardoyne

Switch onto Employment - Supporting Young People (16-24) to Move into Training, Education or Employment: Greater Belfast

Employability (young people aged 16+ who are not ready to take part in a training course, attend college or move into work)

Youth Services - Let's Talk Gender Identity 16-24

OKAY Team (Only Kids And Youth) - Couselling and Creative Therapy: Greater Belfast

Sensory Peace-Building (Conflict Management)

Junior Club (Kids in P3-P7): Limestone Road, Duncairn

Creative Arts Project for Young People: Ballygomartin

Lily Programme - Personal Development Programme for Young Girls (Positive Mental Health and Wellbeing)

Summer Football Camp: Ballysillan

Christmas Toy Programme: Grosvenor House, Belfast

Individual Support for Families: Cancer

Neonatal Unit Support to Parents of Premature and Vulnerable Babies

Meant To Work (Mentoring/Employment Service Young People 16-24): Greater Belfast Area

Childcare Unit (3 Months to Pre-nursery): Shankill Road

PASS - Promote, Advance, Support for Success to Women: North Belfast

Advocacy for Children and Young People - Help with Complaints Against a Public Body

Senior Club (Kids in P7+): Limestone Road, Duncarin

Community Centre: Shankill

ROC Café: Crumlin Road

YFC Summer Camp: Ballysillan

Supported Housing for Young People: Greater Belfast

Support For Brothers And Sisters of Children Living with Cancer

Resources & Publications Library (Premature and Vulnerable Babies): Carryduff

Participation for Protection Project (Enhance Awareness on Children who have Experienced Violence)

Small Wonders Daycare - Childcare : Greater Shankill Area

Promoting Opportunities Programme #notjustforboys: for post-GCSE Young Girls not Pursuing an Academic Route

Advocacy For Legal Professionals Working With Children & Young People

Arts Academy for Young People (Dance, Drama, Visual Arts Classes): New Lodge

ROC Café: Rathfern

Young Leaders: Ballysillan

Itty Bitty Circus (2-7 years old): Belfast

Support In Hospital: Teenage and Young Adult (TYA) Regional Cancer Support Service

Home-based Practical, Social and Emotional Support to Families of Premature and Sick Babies

Training for Success (Young School Leavers)

Let Youth Lead (Cross-community Youth Work and Good Relationd): Cliftonville, Cavehill & Antrim Road

NICCY Youth Panel - Issues that Affect Children and Young People

Event Management (Young People 14-20): New Lodge

Early Years Specialist Services: Belfast

IMPACT - Girls' Group: Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Child and Parent Support (Caps): Early Intervention Programme for 8-13 Year Olds at Risk of Offending

Advice and Guidance for Young People: Vision Impairment/Blindness

Breakfast & Afterschool Clubs: Water Works

Relate Teen (Counselling to Young People)

Policy Advice: Children's Rights

Inner North Youth Platform (Cross-community Space for Young People): North Belfast

Deaf Roots and Pride Project: Deaf Children and Young People 8-20 Years Old

Looked After Children (LAC) Mentoring (Young People 10-20 who Were or Are in Care Placement)

Mentoring (Abbey Community College and Hollybank Primary School): Monkstown, Newtownabbey

Children, young people and families service: Blind and Partially Sighted

Counselling and Life Coaching: Youth

Health Partnership: Ardoyne and Shankill

Training for Health and Social Work Professionals Working with Children

Partnership Programmes (Local Youth and Community Groups): New Lodge

Empowerment through photography and story sharing

Children & Young People

Services which support Children and Young People - Currently "Young People" includes anyone up to and including the age of 25.

412 support services available

Advice and Guidance for Young People: Vision Impairment/Blindness

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB NI)

Victoria House 15-17 Gloucester Street Belfast BT1 4LS

ACE Junior (Youth Club for Children Aged P1 - P5): Newtownabbey

Abbots Cross Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

91 Doagh Road Abbots Cross Newtownabbey BT37 9QN

ACE Youth (Young People Aged P6 Onwards): Newtownabbey

Abbots Cross Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland

91 Doagh Road Abbots Cross Newtownabbey BT37 9QN

Active Mentoring in Community Settings: Belfast

Community Sports Network

28 Townsend Street, Belfast BT13 2ES

Advocacy for Children and Young People - Help with Complaints Against a Public Body

Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

7-9 Shaftsbury Square, Belfast BT2 7DP

Advocacy For Legal Professionals Working With Children & Young People

Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

7-9 Shaftsbury Square, Belfast BT2 7DP

Advocacy Service for Young People: Belfast

Voice of Young People In Care (VOYPIC)

Voice of Young People In Care, 9-11 Botanic Avenue, Belfast BT7 1JG

After school club (P1 - P3; P4 - P7): New Lodge

North Queen Street Playcentre

North Queen Street Play Centre, Henry Street, Belfast BT15 1DJ

After School Playgroup: Abbey

Naíscoil Éanna

15 Dillons Avenue, Whiteabbey, Newtownabbey, BT37 0SU

After School Playgroup: Carnmoney

Mulberry Bush Playgroup

Carnmoney Presbyterian Church, 258 Carnmoney Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 6JZ

After School Programme for 5-12 Year Olds: Ballygomartin

Blackmountain Action Group

The Phoenix Centre 21-23 Black Moutain Grove Belfast BT13 3TU

After Schools Programme: Duncairn

174 Trust

The Duncairn Complex, Duncairn Avenue, Belfast BT14 6BP

Anger Management Service: Training/Mentoring


Achieve NI, Unit 7 Merkland Place, Belfast, BT13 3BH

Antenatal Diagnosis Service: Children with a Heart Condition

Children's Heartbeat Trust

Children's Heartbeat Trust, Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland Street, Belfast, BT13 2JF