Stepping Stones NI Youth Service

Daytime Activities for Adults With a Learning Disability: Belfast

Floating Support (Learning Disability): Belfast

Speech & Language Therapy: Shankill, Belfast

Learning Disability Services: Shankill Area

Adult Learning Disability - Day Services: Crumlin Road

Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast

Adult Learning Disability - Community Teams / Residential & Supported Living Services

Jean Todd Close - Personal Care and Housing Support to Young People and Adults with Learning/Intellectual Disabilities: Antrim

Community Centre: Ligoniel

Effective and Life-enhancing Therapy (People with Disabilities): Newtownabbey

Early Years Inclusion Service (EYIS): Children with Special Educational Needs

Advice and Information Service: People Living With a Learning Disability

Language & Communication (Pupils With Identified Language Difficulties)

Advocacy and Empowerment Service: People Living With a Learning Disability

Occupational Therapy (People Who Have Difficulties in Their Everyday Tasks): Belfast

Nursing Care For People With Profound Learning and Physical Disabilities: Glengormley

Speech & Language (Development) Team: Belfast

Special Football Sessions for Disabled Children: Newtownabbey

Health Care Services for People Living with a Learning Disability: Belfast

Community Children’s Nursing: Belfast

Paediatric Occupational Therapy (Children With Disabilities & Their Families): Belfast

Speech and Language Therapy: Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre, Belfast

Better Together (Helping Adults with a Learning Disability Follow Their Interests)

Families Matter "Shared Lives Service": Support by Family Member or Carer

Residential Short Breaks for People with a Learning Disability: North Belfast

Supported Living Services: People with a learning disability/acquired brain injury/on the autistic spectrum

Disability Project: North Belfast

Abbey Allsorts (Space for Children with Special Needs and their Sibling to Come Together): Newtownabbey

Multi-Disciplinary Homeless Support Team (Issues with Physical and Mental Health, Addictions, Family, etc): Belfast

Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast

Support for People With an Intellectual Disability (Sports, Health and Leadership Programmes)

Therapeutic Film-Making (Excluded Individuals With Learning Disability and Mental Health Issues): Belfast

Boccia - Great Game/Sport to Play From Your Chair (All Abilities): Falls

Black Moon Film Club (Adults with Learning Disabilities): Belfast

Creating Connections (Older Adults with Learning Disabilities): Belfast

Employment and Training - Employees With Any Form of Learning Difficulty or Autism

Mini Moon (Disco for Children with Learning Disabilities): Belfast

Family Service: Parents with a Learning Difficulty or an Autistic Spectrum Condition

Black Moon (Club Night for Adults with Learning Disabilities)

Vocational Training for Adults from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: North Belfast

Kidnap Wednesday: Adults with Learning Difficulties

Transition From School (18-30 Year Olds who Have a Learning Disability)

Learning Disability

Service which support people with Learning disabilities and often their family members also, often including accessing employment, respite access, education assistance, and transport etc. 

49 support services available

Boccia - Great Game/Sport to Play From Your Chair (All Abilities): Falls

Jigsaw NI

Townsend Enterprise Park Townsend Street Belfast BT13 2ES

Community Children’s Nursing: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

40 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 2AX

Daytime Activities for Adults With a Learning Disability: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Everton Day Centre Belfast

589-593 Crumlin Road, Belfast , Co Antrim, BT14 7GB

Effective and Life-enhancing Therapy (People with Disabilities): Newtownabbey

Laurelview Riding for the Disabled Association

Cathy, 8 Mulberry Park, Newtownabbey, BT37 0GS

Families Matter "Shared Lives Service": Support by Family Member or Carer

Positive Futures

Castleton Centre, 30a – 34a York Road, Belfast, BT15 3HE

Floating Support (Learning Disability): Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Shankill Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

83 Shankill Road, Belfast, BT13 1FD

Health Care Services for People Living with a Learning Disability: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

40 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 2AX