Special Football Sessions for Disabled Children: Newtownabbey
Health Care Services for People Living with a Learning Disability: Belfast
Paediatric Occupational Therapy (Children With Disabilities & Their Families): Belfast
Speech and Language Therapy: Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre, Belfast
Daytime Activities for Adults With a Learning Disability: Belfast
Adult Learning Disability - Day Services: Crumlin Road
Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast
Adult Learning Disability - Community Teams / Residential & Supported Living Services
Jean Todd Close - Personal Care and Housing Support to Young People and Adults with Learning/Intellectual Disabilities: Antrim
Effective and Life-enhancing Therapy (People with Disabilities): Newtownabbey
Early Years Inclusion Service (EYIS): Children with Special Educational Needs
Advice and Information Service: People Living With a Learning Disability
Language & Communication (Pupils With Identified Language Difficulties)
Advocacy and Empowerment Service: People Living With a Learning Disability
Occupational Therapy (People Who Have Difficulties in Their Everyday Tasks): Belfast
Nursing Care For People With Profound Learning and Physical Disabilities: Glengormley
Abbey Allsorts (Space for Children with Special Needs and their Sibling to Come Together): Newtownabbey
Better Together (Helping Adults with a Learning Disability Follow Their Interests)
Families Matter "Shared Lives Service": Support by Family Member or Carer
Residential Short Breaks for People with a Learning Disability: North Belfast
Supported Living Services: People with a learning disability/acquired brain injury/on the autistic spectrum
Employment and Training - Employees With Any Form of Learning Difficulty or Autism
Mini Moon (Disco for Children with Learning Disabilities): Belfast
Family Service: Parents with a Learning Difficulty or an Autistic Spectrum Condition
Black Moon (Club Night for Adults with Learning Disabilities)
Vocational Training for Adults from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: North Belfast
Kidnap Wednesday: Adults with Learning Difficulties
Transition From School (18-30 Year Olds who Have a Learning Disability)
Multi-Disciplinary Homeless Support Team (Issues with Physical and Mental Health, Addictions, Family, etc): Belfast
Peter's Hill's Services (Young People and Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues): Belfast
Support for People With an Intellectual Disability (Sports, Health and Leadership Programmes)
Therapeutic Film-Making (Excluded Individuals With Learning Disability and Mental Health Issues): Belfast
Boccia - Great Game/Sport to Play From Your Chair (All Abilities): Falls
Black Moon Film Club (Adults with Learning Disabilities): Belfast
Creating Connections (Older Adults with Learning Disabilities): Belfast
Learning Disability
Service which support people with Learning disabilities and often their family members also, often including accessing employment, respite access, education assistance, and transport etc.