Need to Talk project - Counselling and confidence building support for people with sight loss and their families
Sensory Service: Children With Hearing and/or Visual Loss
Occupational Therapy (People Who Have Difficulties in Their Everyday Tasks): Belfast
Special Football Sessions for Disabled Children: Newtownabbey
Paediatric Occupational Therapy (Children With Disabilities & Their Families): Belfast
Support to the Blind and Visually Impaired with Education, Training, Skills and Financial Assistance
Day Support services: People Severely Physically Disabled
Club Nights (People Living with Disabilities): Duncairn, North Belfast
School Programme for Children Visually Impared / Deaf: Rostulla, Newtownabbey
Effective and Life-enhancing Therapy (People with Disabilities): Newtownabbey
Advice and Information Service: People Living With a Learning Disability
Local Group - Deaf Children and Young People and Their Families: Newtownabbey
Advocacy and Empowerment Service: People Living With a Learning Disability
Nursing Care For People With Profound Learning and Physical Disabilities: Glengormley
Services To Disabled Servicemen & Women: Outings, Entertainement and Respite Breaks
Early Years Inclusion Service (EYIS): Children with Special Educational Needs
Young Carers for Disabled or Ill Siblings/Parents: Duncairn
Butterfly Club (Afterschool Club for Children with Special Needs): City Life Centre, Shankill
Residential Short Breaks for People with a Learning Disability: North Belfast
Children, young people and families service: Blind and Partially Sighted
Me Myself I and Us (family carers involved in caring for a disabled child and/or life-limiting condition)
Employment and Training - Employees With Any Form of Learning Difficulty or Autism
Eye Work Too Project (Employment Service Blind and Partially Sighted)
Workable Project (Supporting Blind and Partially Sighted People at Work): For Employers and Employees
Provision of Mobility Scooter or Wheelchair (People with Mobility Difficulties): Belfast
Deaf Roots and Pride Project: Deaf Children and Young People 8-20 Years Old
Art & Biscuits (Learning Opportunities for Disabled and D/Deaf People)
Bounce (Annual Arts Festival including Work by D/deaf and disabled Artists and Writers)
Chair-based Activity: Movement with Music on Chair and Relaxation: Divis Community Centre, Falls
The IDA Awards (Arts Development Programme for D/deaf and Disabled Artists)
Exercise in the Water (Rehabilitation): Lisnasharragh Leisure Centre, East Belfast
Home-Visiting for Families (Isolation, Disability, Mental Health, Bereavement, Ilnesses, Poverty, Etc): North Belfast
Early Years - Let's Play and Grow Project (Deaf Children Aged 0-8 & Families)
Youth Clubs: Children and Young Deaf & Hard of Hearing People
Resources & Publications Library (Premature and Vulnerable Babies): Carryduff
Teenage Weekends (Care and Support for Life Limited Teenagers): Children's Hospice
Advice and Guidance for Young People: Vision Impairment/Blindness
Multiple Sclerosis Group: Grove Leisure Centre, Duncairn
Disability Awareness / Support
Services which raise awareness of issues relating to disability, or support people with disabilities and their families. Support can range from provision of specialised therapies/equipment, to transport or employment advice. This category covers any kind of disability.