Healthy Places Programme: Belfast

Outreach Benefits Advice Service for Older People: North Belfast

Investing in Children Ireland: Involving Children Organisations in Delivering Services

Policy Service for Young People: Belfast

Advocacy, Information and Advice Support: Cancer

Policy Advice: Children's Rights

Gender Advocacy (Giving a Voice to Trans and Gender Variant People and Their Families)

Support, Advice and Guidance through Services Promoting Health and Wellbeing (Women)

Advocacy Service for Deaf Sign Language users


Services which lobby on people's and organisations' behalf around important public policy and statutory issues.

11 support services available

Advocacy Service for Deaf Sign Language users

British Deaf Association NI

Weavers Court, Unit 5c, Linfield Road, Belfast, BT12 5GH

Eating Disorders: Advocacy Service

Eating Disorders Association (N.I.)

Merion Business Centre, 58 Howard St, Belfast

Healthy Places Programme: Belfast

Belfast Healthy Cities

Gordon House, 22-24 Lombard Street, Belfast BT1 1RD

Investing in Children Ireland: Involving Children Organisations in Delivering Services

Voice of Young People In Care (VOYPIC)

Voice of Young People In Care, 9-11 Botanic Avenue, Belfast BT7 1JG

Policy Advice: Children's Rights

Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People

7-9 Shaftsbury Square, Belfast BT2 7DP

Policy Service for Young People: Belfast

Voice of Young People In Care (VOYPIC)

9-11 Botanic Avenue, Belfast BT7 1JG