Community Development: Mallusk and Hydepark

Recycling Centre: Alexandra Park

Report a Noise Problem (Belfast City Council)

Friends of Finlay Park: Park Maintenance and Development

Friends of Waterworks: Park Maintenance and Development

Friends of Grove Playing Fields: Fields/Park Maintenance and Development

Friends of Woodvale Park: Park Maintenance and Development

U RECYCLE Project (Creating a Positive Social Impact on Communities and Environments)

GROW is a small charity working with communities to improve health, wellbeing and social connections via community gardening.

Street Cleaning (Belfast City Council)

Healthy Places Programme: Belfast

Promotion of Healthier Living and Greener Places: Local Environments/Communities


Services relating to environmental issues, like recycling, tree planting, community gardens, outdoor learning etc.

14 support services available

Healthy Places Programme: Belfast

Belfast Healthy Cities

Gordon House, 22-24 Lombard Street, Belfast BT1 1RD

Recycling Centre: Alexandra Park

Belfast City Council Alexandra Park Recycling Centre

Alexandra Park Avenue - 180 Alexandra Park Avenue, BT15 3GJ

Report a Noise Problem (Belfast City Council)

Belfast City Council - Environmental Health Services

Noise control, Cecil Ward Building, 4-10 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 8BP

Street Cleaning (Belfast City Council)

Belfast City Council - Cleansing Services

Cleansing Services, Ground Floor, Cecil Ward Building, 4-10 Linenhall Street, Belfast, BT2 8BP

U RECYCLE Project (Creating a Positive Social Impact on Communities and Environments)

Ulster Supported Employment and Learning

182-188 Cambrai Street, Belfast, BT13 3JH