Groundwork Northern Ireland
Groundwork Northern Ireland
Duncairn Gardens
BT15 2GB
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday, 09.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Groundwork Northern Ireland delivers programmes and services aimed at boosting local regeneration, community cohesion and grassroots development. We engage and motivate people to improve their quality of life by investing in people and places and by supporting community-led regeneration plans and sustainability initiatives.
In areas of high social need, we provide practical solutions to major challenges by working in partnership with local communities, key funding bodies, statutory authorities and other agencies. Underpinning our approach is the ability to support greater participation and collaboration between people and place.
We provide training and create jobs, reduce energy and waste, re-connect people with nature and transform whole neighbourhoods. Step by step we’ll go on changing places and changing lives until everywhere is vibrant and green, every community is strong enough to shape its own destiny and everyone can reach their potential.
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Type of Organisation
GWNICompany Number
NI25852NI Charity Number
- Heather Pollock
- Nichola Moffett