Grace Women's Development Limited

Grace Women's Development Limited

Ardoyne Community Centre
40 Herbert Street
BT14 7FE
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Sally Smyth
Grace Women’s Development Limited (formally Ardoyne Women's Group) is based in the Ardoyne ward of Belfast City Council and has been operating for the past 27 years.

 (1)        To provide, maintain and develop a community and resource centre for women.

(2)        To promote education and training for women, including accredited and non-accredited, vocational, recreational and personal development courses, to improve knowledge, skills, well-being and self-confidence.

(3)        To promote health and well-being among women by providing a confidential atmosphere where women can receive support, advice and guidance and be signposted.

(4)        To provide opportunities for women to access information, offer mutual support, engage in discussion and share ideas.

(5)        To enhance the development and education of young children, and enable their mothers or carers to participate in educational, training or other activities, by offering appropriate daycare facilities.    

(6)        To promote, facilitate and organise co-operation and partnerships between community and voluntary organisations and public and statutory bodies and agencies.

(7)        To create training and employment opportunities by fostering, supporting and organising the setting up of social enterprises.

(8)        To promote or assist in promoting the undertaking of research, surveys and investigations into the experience and needs of women inNorth Belfast(“the area of benefit”)

(9)        To promote all or any objects for the benefit of women who live in the area of benefit which now or hereafter may be deemed by law to be charitable.

Grace Women's Development Limited's Services

Crochet Class: Ardoyne

Grace Women's Development Limited

40 Herbert Street, Belfast BT14 7FE

Women Community Centre: Ardoyne

Grace Women's Development Limited

Ardoyne Community Centre, 40 Herbert Street, Belfast, BT14 7FE

Education and Training (Personal Development, Confidence, Mentoring): Women

Grace Women's Development Limited

Ardoyne Community Centre,40 Herbert Street, Belfast, BT14 7FE

Family Support: Ardoyne

Grace Women's Development Limited

Ardoyne Community Centre, 40 Herbert Street, Belfast, BT14 7FE

Support to women and families + befriending service to isolated and vulnerable older people

Grace Women's Development Limited

40 Herbert St, Belfast BT14 7FE

COVID-19 Service

Grace Women's Development Limited's Content

Job | Temporary

Tender for Facilitator Services Community Connect: Support Initiative Grace Family Centre, Ardoyne, North Belfast

Grace Women's Development Limited


Grace Women's Development Limited's Venues


Grace Women's Development Limited

77-95 Alliance Avenue
United Kingdom

Venue Type:
  • Room hire

Quinn Room Training Suite

Grace Women's Development Limited

77-95 Alliance Avenue
United Kingdom

Venue Type:
  • Room hire

More Information

Type of Organisation



  • Sally Smyth