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Reablement (People Discharged from Hospital or Entering the Care System Needing Help Living on their Own): Crumlin Road

Day Support services: People Severely Physically Disabled

Services For The Elderly: Duncairn

Senior Citizens Lunch Club: Crumlin Road

Local Social Action: Ballysillan

Housing Support for Older People: Greater Belfast

Tea Dances (Older People): Belfast

Wednesday Lunch Club (Older People): Greater Belfast Area

Elder Care

Services which provide support for the elderly, dealing with issues older people face; for example social isolation, mobility issues, nutrition, security etc.

10 support services available

Local Social Action: Ballysillan

Ballysillan Youth For Christ (the BlueHouses)

50-52 Benview Park, Belfast, BT14 8HU

Senior Citizens Lunch Club: Crumlin Road

The Vine Centre

Vine Centre, 193 Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 7DX

Services For The Elderly: Duncairn

Newington Day Centre

31-35 Alantic Avenue Belfast BT15 2HN

Tea Dances (Older People): Belfast

Belfast Central Mission

The Grosvenor Hall, 5 Glengall Street, BT12 5AD.

Wednesday Lunch Club (Older People): Greater Belfast Area

Belfast Central Mission

Grosvenor House, 5 Glengall Street, Belfast BT12 5AD