The Vine Centre

The Vine Centre

193 Crumlin Road
BT14 7AA
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Claire Adams

Opening Hours

Childcare: Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6.00pm

Other Activities: Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm

Supporting families * strengthing community

At present, the Centre offers the following programmes, activities and services:

  • A generalist advice service, which provides local people with advice, information and advocacy on a range of issues including benefit entitlement, consumer issues, housing and employment rights;
  • Specialist advice on money & debt and tax & tax credit issues;
  • Childcare, through:
  1. Bulrush Day Nursery, which is registered for up to 39 children aged 0-4;
  2. Vine Afterschools Club, which provides school aged childcare for children aged 4-12, which is registered for up to 48 children each day;
  • Education & Employability Support, which includes courses for adults wishing to improve their skills, and a newly opened Work Club which provides practical support to local people who are looking for employment;
  • A Pastoral Support programme, which seeks to support those experiencing isolation or crisis through a befriending service which seeks to support people through home visitation, and signposting to other appropriate services;
  • A weekly Senior Citizens Lunch Club, which provides older people with an opportunity to have a meal in the company of others, with a programme of activity after lunch;
  • A weekly Homework Club for primary school children;
  • A Healthy Living Group, which supports those attending to make more informed choices about their physical and mental wellbeing;
  • Little Sparks, a weekly Mother & Toddler Group.
  • The Centre is also the current lead partner for the Upper North Belfast Family Support Hub, which aims to connect families with children under 18 years old to appropriate early intervention support services.

The Vine Centre's Services

Afterschools Playclub: Crumlin Road

The Vine Centre

Vine Centre, 193 Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 7DX

Bulrush Day Nursery: Crumlin Road

The Vine Centre

Bulrush Day Nursery, 1-17 Century Street, Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 7BW

Pastoral Care (Befriending, Listening and Support): Crumlin Road

The Vine Centre

Vine Centre, 193 Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 7DX

Senior Citizens Lunch Club: Crumlin Road

The Vine Centre

Vine Centre, 193 Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 7DX

Information and advice related to COVID-19

The Vine Centre

COVID-19 Service

The Vine Centre's Content

Job | Part Time

Money & Debt Adviser

The Vine Centre

Salary Range £14,821.20 - £18,495.00 per annum - depending on experience

More Information

Type of Organisation



  • Claire Adams