54.594714190319, -5.9329593357808
Independent Visitor (IV) Scheme - Befriending and Support Service to 11-18 in Care with Poor Family Relations
NIACROHelp offered
The Independent Visitor (IV) Scheme offers a volunteer-led independent befriending and support service to young people aged 11 -18 with care experience in the Belfast and South Eastern Health and Social Care Trusts and have infrequent or poor quality contact with a parent or person with parental responsibility for them.
How to access this support
The decision to refer a young person to the IV Scheme is discussed and agreed at the LAC Review. If the young person concerned agrees, a referral is made to the IV Project Worker, who will match the young person to a volunteer based on the young person's needs and their shared interests. Before making a referral, call the IV Project Worker on 028 9032 0157 to discuss how the Scheme could support the young person.
Email Address
Telephone number
Service Category
Supported Age Groups