54.520840013642, -6.2673599767812
Foundation Stage ToolKits for Primary Schools
Pure Mental NIOur ToolKits provide pupils, teachers and parents with resources designed with pupils, teachers and parents in mind, with feedback from these core groups, as well as with the involvement of educational psychologists and school leaders.
The ToolKits contain a varied range of resources, but they all aim to do the same thing - to improve children’s emotional vocabulary and understanding of how they feel. They also promote essential interpersonal skills for young children such as sharing, listening and being a good friend. They are designed to introduce key concepts of well-being and a healthy mindset in an age-appropriate manner. The resources within the Kits are tailored to specific Key Stage groups, with character-based activities such as storybooks and a glossary of feelings, for example, for Early Years & Key Stage One.
Early intervention is key, and hopefully, these ToolKits go some way in aiding children in gaining a better understanding of how they feel and why, the importance of talking, and different ways they can manage their emotions and help their peers do the same.
What the ToolKits Contain:
- Character-based literature
- Activities such as colouring pages, mindfulness worksheets, group/class activities
- Introductory presentations (such as on the issue of Worries)
- A Calming Yourself Booklet
- A Glossary of Feelings
- Informative resources for parents and teachers
- Posters for the classroom