54.614540010046, -5.9351300010156
Youth Intervention (Young People in Need): Belfast
LighthouseIn October 2011, Lighthouse received funding to employ a well-experienced Youth Intervention Worker. The post is for three years and the catchment area is Belfast wide. The Youth Intervention Worker has developed the post to offer awareness programmes promoting positive mental health to local secondary schools, youth facilities, women centres and community organisations. He has also completed five x five weeks personal development programmes, promoting positive mental health, in a wide range of community organisations.
The Youth Intervention Worker has many years’ experience working with young people and is working in collaboration with Opportunity Youth to provide beneficial experiences for those young people in need. He has the ability to respond to individual need and often acts as a springboard by referring young people to other services, or providing space for a chat, or using outdoor education as a tool to engage in meaningful conversation. Due to the high demand for these services, Lighthouse needs to obtain additional funding to enable this role to be expanded.
If you feel you would benefit from one of our services and you wish to self-refer, you can do so by calling us on 02890755070. During this call we will take some details and arrange a convenient time for your one-hour assessment with a member of our counselling team. You can also contact us by email via: reception@lighthousecharity.com