Endeavour Project: Youth Mentoring at St Malachy's College & Positive Mental Health Awareness for Young People

Help offered

The Endeavour Project is a 3 year Comic Relief funded programme working with young men around the themes of mental health and sport. We provide one to one youth mentoring at St Malachy's College in Belfast, and deliver positive mental health awareness talks in community based youth settings.  As part of our work at St.Malachy's we train senior pupils as mentors to provide support to younger pupils.  Each trained mentor will receive an OCN Level 2 qualification in Peer Mentoring, delivered by the YEHA Project.  Currently we are providing group work at St.Malachy's for young men who have experienced loss.  These sessions are co-facilitated with a qualified Lighthouse counsellor.

Hopefully this year we will get the opportunity to take students to Ben Nevis in Scotland and Carrantoohil in Co.Kerry for mountaineering expeditions. 

How to access this support

Contact Gary Symington via gary@lighthousecharity.com or 028 9075 5070 for access to this service. 

Telephone number
Supported Age Groups