54.606150018334, -5.9607499586236

Group Work - Personal and Social Development Programmes for Youth: Woodvale

Streetbeat Youth Project
Help offered

Streetbeat runs many personal and social development group work programmes. Group work involves young people.Groups we have run previously have looked at things like: - Drugs & Alcohol - Face your fears - Cross Community Projects - M.A.D. Project- young people making a difference in their community - Healthy Lifestyle and Sport - Confidence Building - Body image and self-esteem - Life Skills OCN

How to access this support

If you are aged between 11-18 and have a group of friends that fall within the same age bracket then you can get involved here at Streetbeat. Even if there are only a few of you interested let us know as there are plenty of ways to get involved. If you and a group of friends are interested in becoming involved in a group work programme you can contact us by filling out a general enquiry form on the "contact us" section of the website, create a group chat with us on Facebook or why not call in and see us at Streetbeat. As there are groups running currently every night we may not be able to start a group with you right away, but we will try to get you involved as soon as possible.

Telephone number
Supported Age Groups