Beyond Skin

Beyond Skin

Belfast Carnival Centre
11 - 47 Boyd Street
BT13 2GU
United Kingdom

We are Creative Innovators in Peacebuilding: Enabling the Arts as the dialogue to assist the development of a more peaceful, equal and intercultural society free from racism & sectarianism.

Security in Diversity

Through the cohesiveness and chemistry of a diverse team of artists using their gifts for the greater good we design and facilitate innovative creative projects & solutions that strengthen community relations, nurture peace processes, and promote interaction between different cultures.

The work of Beyond Skin began January 2004 in Northern Ireland responding to the rise in racism & sectarianism influenced by the legacy of conflict.

Flagship programmes include the Orchestre des Réfugiés et Amis & #ArtsDialogue, an international intergenerational team of musicians, artists, producers, writers & peace activists.

"With such a diverse team based locally and internationally, we are like a little United Nations but without the guns" - Darren Ferguson (Founder)

"If you want a powerful good relations programme in your area and to maximise community engagement, you could do no better than enlist the Beyond Skin team. They are by far the most creative, dedicated and professional delivery agent I have ever worked with” – Jan O’Neill (Good Relations Officer)


Beyond Skin's Content

Lismore Students & Arts CounciL NI representatives

Beyond Skin

A shared creative model for conflict transformation that meets the needs, interests and expectations of young people from societies emerging from conflict.

Beyond Skin

It's OK to be Confused. Two minute video.

Arts Dialogue begins

Beyond Skin

#GYPS2017 generates Arts Dialogue Collective

#GYPS2017 "Press the Release"

Beyond Skin

As part of the #youth4peace programme in Northern Ireland the first Global Youth Peace Summit will take place 6th – 10th March

Heartbeat Ambassadors & Mim Suleiman to headline International Women’s Day Concert.

Beyond Skin

As part of the week long activities for the Global Youth Peace Summit an International Women’s Day event will take play on 8th March at Duncairn Centre for Culture & Arts.

Beyond Skin announce the first of guest artists to deliver 2017 OCN creative learning programme.

Beyond Skin

As part of the delivery of the accreditation course 'Understanding Diversity through The World Of Music Arts & Dance' we are pleased to announce world class musician Abass Dodoo will be arriving to our shores.

Orchestre des Réfugiés et Amis "The 500"

Beyond Skin

The Orchestre des Réfugiés et Amis immersive performance workshop programme starts in Ballymena with concerts this Friday at Out To Lunch Festival Belfast.

Global Youth Peace Summit - Invite to Schools & Youth Groups

Beyond Skin

An invite to schools and youth groups to participate in the Global Youth Peace Summit being held in Northern Ireland 6th - 10th March 2017


Beyond Skin

Beyond Skin in association with Aspect Media and Libraries NI present a photography exhibition by Rashid Khaidanov. Rashid who is originally from Kazakhstan has been working with Beyond Skin as part of the Orchestre des Réfugiés et Amis project.


Beyond Skin

Following on from the very successful Beyond Skin Open College Network (OCN) level one courses in 2014 - 2016 with the Arts Council of Northern Ireland as the principal funder, a Level Two has been developed.

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  • Darren Ferguson