Understanding Diversity through the World of Music Arts & Dance
Following on from the very successful Beyond Skin Open College Network (OCN) level one courses in 2014 - 2016 with the Arts Council of Northern Ireland as the principal funder, a Level Two has been developed.
This is the first of its kind innovative creative learning process that anyone 15yrs + can take part in regardless of ability, literacy skills or not having English as a first language.
The Arts Council of Northern Ireland have once again invested in the programme at level two which enables course costs to be subsidised for participants.
Each course will be delivered by professional artists and facilitators representing WOMAD Foundation, Beyond Skin, and accredited creative partner Bounce Culture.
Participants can not only learn a new creative skill but also achieve an OCN level 2 qualifications or endorsed certificates in Understanding Diversity through the World Of Music, Arts & Dance.
The OCN element is integrated into the workshop programme
Example: A participant could learn a traditional Jamaican dance or how to make & play Colombian Flute Pipes whist also gaining a level 2 accreditation in Understanding Diversity.
The workshop programme can take place at your community hall / business location. Maximum number ofparticipants per workshop programme is 25. The course will be delivered within an intense 4 – 6 day period due to special guest artists flying in especially for the programme.
This unique format of accreditation learning has been designed by artists and educators in the field of diversity and global education. The format of this course is very unique compared to most traditional diversity training courses that are currently available - with the learning process through creative critical thinking & artistic skills development.
Young people at south Eastern Regional College Bangor and Include Youth Ards and Belfast will be the first groups to take part in the level 2 course part funded by Ards & North Down Council with in kind support from IBIS Belfast Hotels
For more information please contact the Beyond Skin office

Beyond Skin
Belfast Carnival Centre
11 - 47 Boyd Street
BT13 2GU
United Kingdom