Advice, Support and Information Service on Homelessness: Belfast
Temporary Hostel Accomodation for Homeless Men: Belfast
Relief of Poverty (Food, Clothing anf Shelter): Newtownabbey
Love in a Box (Practical Support to Those in Need): York Road
Resettlement Programme for Thorndale Lifehouse Residents: Duncairn
Information and Advice Services: Poverty and Inclusion
Relief of Poverty (Directing to Accommodation, Support to Individuals and Families): York Road
Toy Bank for Girls and Boys from Low Income Families: Shore Road, Innisfayle
"Getting Food" Redistribution Service: Organisations Using Food to Support People
Home-Visiting for Families (Isolation, Disability, Mental Health, Bereavement, Ilnesses, Poverty, Etc): North Belfast
Services which support people below the poverty line, either locally, nationally or internationally.