54.635059998666, -5.9405299583173

Foodbank: North Belfast

North Belfast Foodbank
Help offered

We don't think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That's why we provide three days' nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

How to access this support

North Belfast Foodbank partners with a wide range of professional agencies such as Surestarts, Wellbeing Centres, Citizen's Advice and health professionals who identify people in crisis and issue them with a foodbank voucher. Please note food parcels are only provided on the production of a voucher.

Telephone number
Service Category
Supported Age Groups
North Belfast Foodbank

North Belfast Foodbank

North Belfast Foodbank

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