54.561580002569, -6.011830030946
Storehouse Food Shop
Storehouse BelfastHelp offered
Storehouse operates a food shop from it's city centre venue where those referred to it's service for food provision can freely choose their own items. We offer a variety of fresh produce as well as long life items and toiletries.
Those referred to the food shop will be given an allocation of points which they can then spend over a six month period. The allocation of points is calculated depending on the size of their household.
How to access this support
To refer a client to the Storehouse food shop, please provide your client with a letter on your organisations headed paper, detailing the following information:
- Name
- Address
- Date of Birth
- Number of individuals in family
- Brief description of clients circumstances and why they are in need of support
Your client can then attend the Storehouse Centre during opening hours and present their referral letter.
Email Address
Telephone number
Service Category
Supported Age Groups