Greater Shankill Partnership
Greater Shankill Partnership
Spectrum Centre
331-333 Shankill Road
BT13 3AA
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Greater Shankill, Belfast Area Partnership; contributing to the physical, social and economic regeneration of the Greater Shankill community.
The Greater Shankill Partnership is one of the five area partnerships in Belfast, it is a registered charity and it is tasked with the delivery of regeneration projects in the Greater Shankill area of Belfast. Currently the partnership is responsible for the delivery of Neighbourhood Renewal, Early Years, Community Sports, Health & Wellbeing, Tourism, Arts & Culture.
The Greater Shankill Partnership (GSP) is a community led regeneration agency in the Greater Shankill area of Belfast; established in 1996. Its Board brings together community, elected and private sector representatives, along with public sector officials.
The Partnership operates at 3 levels:
1st Level
As its core business GSP facilitates and co-ordinates regeneration efforts in the area, at the heart of which is Neighbourhood Renewal.
In 2008 GSP published a Strategic Regeneration Framework and the Greater ShankillNeighbourhood Action Plan, the culmination of over 2 years work by Task Groups across 9 regeneration themes facilitated by the Partnership. A review of the Action Plan has just been completed and the Task Groups are currently reformulating a new Neighbourhood Action Plan, a draft of which was presented to the Greater Shankill Community Convention for discussion in December 2010.
GSP is also used as a touchstone by various public agencies for their policies and proposals affecting the area and in this regard GSP provides a mechanism to test and garner community views and priorities.
2nd Level
GSP’s operations and projects also seek to drive forward a regeneration agenda for the area, ranging from Early Years / Surestart; Integrated Services for Children and Young People; Health and Wellbeing development; Arts, Culture & Tourism; an Information & Craft Centre; Sports Development (now Belfast Community Sports Development Network) and of course Neighbourhood Renewal itself.
The GSP’s Property Development Company runs the Spectrum, a centre for arts and culture and its Early Years Company provides day care for young children.
3rd Level
GSP links the Greater Shankill to wider initiatives in adjacent communities and across Belfast. The Belfast Area Partnerships (BAPs) connects GSP to Belfast’s other four area-based Partnerships across the city. Health Action Zone Council membership connects GSP with Agencies, Public Bodies and Area Partnerships at a senior level in Belfast, facilitating policy development, planning and joint initiatives to address deprivation in the City.
GSP was a key partner in the West Belfast and Greater Shankill Task Forces, established in 2001 to address poverty and employability in these communities. A number of recommendations in the Task Forces Reports have been implemented, e.g. Job Assist Centres and the Task Forces negotiated a major investment programme for the areas, the Integrated Development Fund, of £21m between 2004 – 2009.
A recent initiative, funded by the Big Lottery and led by Belfast City Council also involves all 5 Area Partnerships in a community planning pilot around the theme of health.
GSP presently represents all five Area Partnerships in the City Council’s “Belfast in Europe” group.
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- Glen Lowry
- Stephanie McConnell