54.609529315858, -5.9345746620695

Creative Projects primarily for young people

New Lodge Arts

Ashton Centre, 5 Churchill Street, Belfast BT15 2BP

Type of support for people

  • Other
Help offered

Online Workshops (Dance / Drama)

Facebook competitions (art & crafts challenges, photography competitions etc)

Boredom Buster Activity Book designed and available for download https://www.ashtoncentre.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/New-Lodge-Arts-Activity-Pack-2020.pdf

Art Packs delivered to local young people, food banks and care homes.

Currently planning Summer Activities – online classes, online workshops, virtual fun day, social distancing street games, outdoor picnic, Photography tutorials

How to access this support





Anne Delaney anne.delaney@asthoncentre.com



Telephone number