54.68147, -6.0119999999999

Pet Food Bank & Project Wildcat Schemes

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust

Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Food / grocery / prescription delivery
  • Information and advice
  • Other

Help offered for organisations

  • Other
  • Information and advice
  • Help for animals
Help offered

Pet food to pets and feral cats throughout Northern Ireland

Pet Food Bank:

This scheme provides free pet food to domestic pet owners in financial distress enabling them to keep their pet during rough times and not give them up when they need them most. We will endeavour to provide a supply of free pet food, for a limited period, to people in financial hardship and in Covid-19 difficulty.


Project Wildcat:

There are pockets of feral communities and community cats being fed by people throughout Northern Ireland. This unique scheme provides ongoing pet food support to help them feed them. We provide shelters to keep them warm, safe and protected, provided there is somewhere safe and someone to care for them where they are.  To discontinue care and feeding to which these cats have grown accustomed to would put them in grave danger. NB We do not trap, neuter, return or remove these cats.


NB. The supplies may be reduced at this time due to the increase in requests and will be dependent on funds available to cover. There are only a few volunteers delivering these supplies, so please bare with us! It is also not available to people who have got animals when already in financial difficulty or breeding, only to help them keep their pets during crisis times.

Both these schemes are free.

How to access this support

Organisations working with the vulnerable people and those in financial distress can contact us direct (with the person's permission) with a referral for pet food support.


The public can either contact us by e-mail: animalrescuetrust@hotmail.com or by phone: 02894432229. Our preference for initial contact is by e-mail please as we can manage this better. 


Please let us know:

- Name, address & phone number (e-mail too if possible)

- the basic reason why support is needed, to help us assess the type /length of support needed, ensure it meets our criteria and to ensure volunteers are aware of any health condition to safeguard them too.

- a few details of the animal(s) ie type, approx age

We will contact you generally in the evening to discuss & make any arrangements. This will be done by either Stephen or Heather (no-one else!)

Contact Name
Stephen or Heather
Telephone number
Supported Age Groups