54.60448, -5.9555599999999
Baby Basics - basic essentials for newborn and older babies. Support for families in crisis.
Church Army - North Belfast Centre of MissionConnect Base, St. Columba's Church, Ballgomartin road , Belfast BT13 3NG
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Other
Help offered for organisations
- Information and advice
Help offered
Offering a Moses basket, baby bath or laundry basket with toiletries for baby & mum; nappies, clothing, toys. During this crisis we are also offering nappies and wipes to families who are struggling.
How to access this support
People can access our service by emailing us at babybasics@connordiocese.org They need to be referred by a health professional; care worker; social worker; case worker etc.
Contact Name
Karen Webb
Email Address
Telephone number

Church Army - North Belfast Centre of Mission
Church Army
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service