54.612271174004, -5.9570462410901
Support for young people and community groups in and around Ardoyne
Ardoyne Youth Enterprise11a Flax Street, Belfast BT14 7EJ
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
Help offered for organisations
- Other
Help offered
Ardoyne Youth Enterprise supports youth and community development in Ardoyne and Marrowbone, and cross community projects with North Belfast neighbours.
- During Covid 19, we are unable to offer our youth drop-in and detached outreach work on the streets, but we continue to engage with young people online. If you are a young person in need of support or someone to talk to, or if you are concerned that a young person is isolated, you can contact fionnuala@ardoyne.org. Fionnuala is our youth engagement coordinator. She will organise something for you or refer you to someone who can help.
- We have an online guide to youth and community support during Covid 19 in our district: http://www.ardoyne.org/whats-on-in-ardoyne.html and in neighbouring areas: http://www.ardoyne.org/whats-on-in-ardoyne.html#NorthBelfast. Feel free to share it with anyone who needs it, and contact us if you want us to add or amend information about your group: catherine@ardoyne.org
We can also offer some practical support to local youth and community groups. Contact shane@ardoyne.org
How to access this support
- Youth services: fionnuala@ardoyne.org
- Communications support: catherine@ardoyne.org
- Organisational support: shane@ardoyne.org
Contact Name
Catherine Couvert
Email Address

Ardoyne Youth Enterprise
Ardoyne Youth Enterprise
Other services available
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service