54.992225396665, -7.3260874680937
Helping young people’s voices be heard and tell their stories through Headliners
Headliners NI23 Bishop St, Derry, BT48 6PR
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Other
Help offered for organisations
- Other
We work with young people aged 8-25 who fall under our funders guidelines (In/or leaving care and those who come from a special educational needs background) and are able to offer the chance to undertake work with these young people so that they can tell their stories to the broader population on any subject of interest to them, this could be at present how they are coping with the lockdown and any possible issues stemming from this.
Previously we have made a number of videos of projects with a variety of topics ranging from suicide and alcoholism as well as how some young people have coped with growing up in mainstream education whilst having autism or another learning difficulty.
We are very flexible in what we can offer for the young people but it is about telling their stories and getting their voices heard which is of most importance. We can do this in a variety of ways but the most common ways we work with the young people would be to produce a short film piece, produce a podcast, or have one of their pieces of written work published on our website and social media.
At present we are currently undertaking work to find the best way of working with these young people so that it is open to the most amount and to try break down any barriers that we face (such as a lack of technology to complete this).
At present how we believe we are able to best work with young people has been through the use of Google Meets as this requires the least amount of technology and has no sign up details needed etc, we just need an email or somewhere to send the link to and then the young person can sign on through this. We have also looked at working via Whatsapp and are open to other avenues which may work.
If you believe this may be of interest to you or of someone you know, the best way to contact us is through our Facebook messaging link or you can send an email through to marie.sauve@headliners.org to get more information.
We offer work in Derry and Belfast but can open up across Northern Ireland if this may help.

Headliners NI
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service