54.587450671389, -5.9203516508168

Support for Elderly People in the Community - Good Morning phone call support service

Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group

Shaftesbury Community and Recreation Centre, 97 Balfour Avenue, Belfast BT7 2EW

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Food / grocery / prescription delivery
Help offered

Daily phone calls to isolated elderly and vulnerable locally and offering support and reassurance and a bit of a chat – to date this has been picking up prescriptions, essential groceries etc. (we see this as an evolving service as the crisis moves forward). Protocol in place and advice around support, mental health etc. for staff completing phone calls.

How to access this support

Contact organisation for access to these services. T: 07742 283906 E: info@lorag.org

Email Address
Telephone number

Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group

Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group

Other services available

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service