Vineyard Compassion

Vineyard Compassion

Hope Centre, 10 Hillmans Way
Ballycastle Road
BT52 2ED
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Hope Centre | Vineyard Compassion | 10 Hillman’s Way | Coleraine | BT52 2ED Email: | Tel: (028)7022 0005

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 9am-5pm

We provide people with emotional, practical and financial support at their crisis points of need, while also empowering them to tackle the underlying root causes of poverty.

Recognising the significant deprivation in the local area and with a desire to encourage and empower vulnerable people to overcome poverty and crisis, Vineyard Compassion was established. The charity launched a range of community-based projects that offer a holistic approach to tackling poverty and its underlying root causes. Vineyard Compassion takes a multi-faceted approach in addressing these complex issues to maximise the potential for lasting community transformation. Projects have been developed ever since the first Compassion Christmas Dinner in 2001 with the charity formally established in March 2012.

These multi- faceted projects are making a real difference to the lives of thousands of people in the Causeway Coast and Glens area. Vineyard Compassion has been privileged to see dignity and hope for the future restored to thousands of people who are trapped in poverty cycles, with many going on to reach their full potential in life.

The projects are supported by 11 full-time and 6 part-time staff along with a team of 299 volunteers. The majority of volunteers are from the local community with a wide spectrum of backgrounds and abilities. Many volunteers are former clients who are now in a position to help others.

Motivated by compassion for the most vulnerable in society and recognising the dignity and worth of every individual - the charity welcomes all people regardless of background, beliefs, nationality or disability. The charity is privileged to work alongside many statutory agencies and community/voluntary organisations towards the shared goal of tackling local poverty. It not only receives referrals from these organisations but also signposts and refers clients to them for specialist support.  The charity seeks to avoid duplication in service provision. Where gaps exist or current provision is unable to cope with demand, it looks for ways to launch projects that meet genuine needs in a sustainable and effective way.

Vineyard Compassion's Services

FREE Counselling (phone/video call) & Online CBT - Emotional Wellbeing / Mental Health support

Vineyard Compassion

10 Hillmans Way, Coleraine, BT552ED

COVID-19 Service

Causeway Foodbank - EMERGENCY FOOD

Vineyard Compassion

10 Hillmans Way, Coleraine, BT552ED

COVID-19 Service

Emergency Provision - Foodbank & RESET Social Supermarket (Food Poverty)

Vineyard Compassion

Hope Center, 10 Hillmans Way, Coleraine, BT52 2ED

COVID-19 Service

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  • Ricky Wright