55.13147064505, -6.6564608718445

Causeway Foodbank - EMERGENCY FOOD

Vineyard Compassion

10 Hillmans Way, Coleraine, BT552ED

Type of support for people

  • Food / grocery / prescription delivery
Help offered

We know that anyone can reach crisis point and we're here to help when that happens. Foodbanks provide a minimum of three days’ emergency food and support to people in crisis

Foodbanks are designed to provide short-term, emergency support with food during a crisis. Their aim is to relieve the immediate pressure of the crisis by providing food and basic essentials, while also providing additional support to help people resolve the crises that they face

How to access this support
  • If you CANNOT afford food, please contact us (02870220005 / info@vineyardcompassion.co.uk / Facebook messenger) and we can talk through your situation and see how we help you get a voucher. We can organise a home delivery, or you can collect from our premises:
  • DAYS: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • TIMES: 1130am-1pm
Telephone number