55.13147064505, -6.6564608718445
FREE Counselling (phone/video call) & Online CBT - Emotional Wellbeing / Mental Health support
Vineyard Compassion10 Hillmans Way, Coleraine, BT552ED
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
The Northern Emotional Wellbeing Service (NEWS) exists to provide talking therapy and mental health support within the community. Our team of counsellors will collaborate with you to ensure that you get the most appropriate form of treatment, helping you to build resilience and learn new mechanisms for coping with difficult emotions and situations.
Funded by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, Vineyard Compasion are committed to providing for you, a professional and accessible service within the Causeway Coast & Glens rrea.
Your GP will do an initial assessment to ensure that NEWS is the best service for you OR you can self refer.
After your referral, one of our Counsellors will contact you for a triage phone call. This counsellor will talk with you and help assess what might be the best course of action for you to feel well again. This might be one of the following options;
Group Programme - Rebound (Building Resilience)
1-to-1 Talking Therapy
Computerised CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)
Community programmes
Where services exist within your community that may be of help, we will work with you to ensure that you can access on going resources within your locale.
Make an appointment with your GP to ask them to refer you to this service
Online: by visiting www.linkscounselling.com/NEWS
Phone: 028 3834 2825
Links Counselling Service will take the referral and will pass it onto Vineyard Compassion who covers the Causeway Coast & Glens area.

Vineyard Compassion
Vineyard Compassion
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