55.065165, -6.4943495

BCRC 1+1 Bi-lingual Mental Health & Well-Being Support

Building Communities Resource Centre

Building Communities Resource Centre, Units 22-23 Acorn Business Park, 2 Riada Drive, Ballymoney BT53 7LH

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Information and advice

Help offered for organisations

  • Information and advice
  • Counselling / bereavement support
Help offered

BCRC 1+1 Bi-lingual Well-Being Support Service will help Black, Asian, & Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities for anyone who is experiencing stress, worries, anxieties, sadness, loneliness or feeling unwell.

BCRC Mental Health Support worker will provide emergency support the BAME community during this time of COVID-19 crisis.

How to access this support

Please contact:

Michalina Bilska, Mental Health Support Worker

mob: 075 444 4892 18

Email: micha.one.plus.one@gmail.com



Contact Name
Michalina Bilska
Telephone number
Building Communities Resource Centre

Building Communities Resource Centre

Building Communities Resource Centre

Operating in the following council areas:

COVID-19 Service