54.982591575076, -6.6876685156675
Garvagh: befriending, telephone counselling & deliveries
Garvagh Development Trust85 Main Street Garvagh BT51 5AB
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Food / grocery / prescription delivery
Help offered
Garvagh Development Trust is currently part of a wider neighbourhood collaboration of groups and individuals providing support in the catchment area of Garvagh Health Centre.
We can provide befriending, telephone counselling & deliveries.
Help with Deliveries Telephone counselling
Good morning calls
News Sheet
Due the geographical location of different groups in the collaboration, we can allocate help depending on people's location.
How to access this support
By contacting Karin Eyben on 07966 202184 or by email at garvaghpeoplesforest@gmail.com
Email Address
Telephone number

Garvagh Development Trust
Garvagh Development Trust
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service