54.927027272001, -6.9240768379018
Glenshane House
Glenshane Community Development LtdGlenshane House, 114 Main Street, Dungiven, BT47 4LN
Type of support for people
- Information and advice
Help offered for organisations
- Premises
- Information and advice
Help offered
Telephone 02877742494
⏩ Press 1️⃣ for Business Support or Tenant Enquiries
ADVICE ON CORONAVIRUS HELP FROM THE GOVERNMENT FOR BUSINESSES - Furlough scheme, Self Employed Income Support Scheme, Small Business Support, Medium Sized Business Grants, Bounce Back Loan Scheme etc.
⏩ Press 2️⃣ for the Advice Service
BENEFIT ADVICE on all benefits
APPLICATION HELP - We can help you to fill in applications for benefits and assist in the application process. We can help you respond to requests or contact from benefit providers and keep you informed.
ADVICE ON CORONAVIRUS HELP FOR INDIVIDUALS - Sick pay, furlough scheme, etc.
HOUSING ASSISTANCE - If you are having housing problems of any kind, applying for housing, help with paying rent, requesting repairs or require assistance in any other way, we can help.
All classes, meetings, office services, health services, support groups, recreational activities and room hire have been suspended per the Government directive. If you have a query in relation to any of these activities, please feel free to phone and select either option one or two, Facebook message us or email glenshane@btconnect.com and we will deal with your enquiry.
How to access this support
Telephone 02877742494
⏩ Press 1️⃣ for Business Support or Tenant Enquiries
⏩ Press 2️⃣ for the Advice Service
Or message our Facebook page or Twitter account at https://www.facebook.com/GlenshaneCommunityDevelopmentLimited/ and twitter.com/GlenshaneComDev
Contact Name
Mairead McCormack
Email Address
Telephone number
Glenshane Community Development Ltd
Glenshane Community Development Limited
Other services available
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service