55.134168, -6.6635764999999
Emotional and Practical support for families
Home-Start CausewayHome-Start Causeway, 74-76 Railway Road, Coleraine, BT52 1PG
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
Help offered
We provide emotional and practical support to families with children 0-5+ years, within Covid guidelines. When Covid guidelines allow, staff and volunteers visit families for a few hours each week to provide parenting support, practical help, emotional support, play activities matched to the needs of the family. Where indoor visits are not possible, support may be through Walk and Talk, or telephone calls to chat, share play and parenting ideas, and make sure that every family has awareness of local services. Staff and volunteers have parenting experience themselves and offer non-judgemental support and friendship.
How to access this support
Telephone: 02870321765
Website: www.homestartcauseway.co.uk
Telephone number
Service Category
Supported Age Groups

Home-Start Causeway
Home-Start Causeway
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service