176 support services available across this Council. View services available across Northern Ireland

Abbey Tots: Newtownabbey

Abbey Tots: Newtownabbey

Abbey Presbyterian Church
99-101 Monkstown Road, Newtownabey BT37 0LG

Adoption and Fostering Counselling Support

Adoption and Fostering Counselling Support

Relate NI
3rd and 4th Floor3 Glengall Street Belfast BT12 5AB

After Schools Club / Summer Scheme: Chichester Avenue BT15

After Schools Club / Summer Scheme: Chichester Avenue BT15

Wee Chicks
Wee Chicks, 29 Chichester Avenue, Belfast, BT15 5EH

Afterschools Playclub: Crumlin Road

Afterschools Playclub: Crumlin Road

The Vine Centre
Vine Centre, 193 Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 7DX

Antenatal Diagnosis Service: Children with a Heart Condition

Antenatal Diagnosis Service: Children with a Heart Condition

Children's Heartbeat Trust
Children's Heartbeat Trust, Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland Street, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Baby and Toddler Club (Drop In): Newtownabbey

Baby and Toddler Club (Drop In): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Baby Massage Class (Premature, Vulnerable and Sick Babies)

Baby Massage Class (Premature, Vulnerable and Sick Babies)

Tiny Life, The Arches Centre 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast BT5 5AA

Baby Massage: Newtownabbey

Baby Massage: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Baby Rave (Dance and Music Event for Children under 4 and Their Parents)

Baby Rave (Dance and Music Event for Children under 4 and Their Parents)

Young at Art
Cotton Court 30 - 42 Waring Street Belfast BT1 2ED

Baby Sign (6 months+): Newtownabbey

Baby Sign (6 months+): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Baby Time: Newtownabbey

Baby Time: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Baby Yoga (4-9 months): Newtownabbey

Baby Yoga (4-9 months): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Because You're Worth It (Programme for Parents): Newtownabbey

Because You're Worth It (Programme for Parents): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Belfast Children's Festival

Belfast Children's Festival

Young at Art
Young at Art HQ: Cotton Court 30 - 42 Waring Street Belfast BT1 2ED

Bereavement Care to Families/Carers: Hospice

Bereavement Care to Families/Carers: Hospice

NI Hospice Belfast
74 Somerton Road Belfast County Antrim BT15 3LH

Bereavement Groups for Parents That Have Lost a Child to Congenital Heart Disease

Bereavement Groups for Parents That Have Lost a Child to Congenital Heart Disease

Children's Heartbeat Trust
Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland St, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Bereavement Support to Parents: Children's Hospice

Bereavement Support to Parents: Children's Hospice

Northern Ireland Children's Hospice
18 O'Neill Road Newtownabbey BT36 6WB



Belfast Exposed
23 Donegall Street

Breast Pump Loan Service: Bloomfield

Breast Pump Loan Service: Bloomfield

Tiny Life, The Arches Centre, first floor 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue Belfast BT5 5AA

Buggy Brigade: Newtownabbey

Buggy Brigade: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Buggy Buddies: York Road

Buggy Buddies: York Road

Alexandra Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Alexandra Presbyterian Church 80 York Rd, Belfast BT15 3HF

Bulrush Day Nursery: Crumlin Road

Bulrush Day Nursery: Crumlin Road

The Vine Centre
Bulrush Day Nursery, 1-17 Century Street, Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 7BW

Busy Bees (18 months+): Newtownabbey

Busy Bees (18 months+): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Caravans: Heart Families (Families with a Child Living with a Heart Disease)

Caravans: Heart Families (Families with a Child Living with a Heart Disease)

Children's Heartbeat Trust
Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland St, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Care and Support for Parents (Peer Support): Children's Hospice

Care and Support for Parents (Peer Support): Children's Hospice

Northern Ireland Children's Hospice
18 O'Neill Road Newtownabbey BT36 6WB

Carer and Toddler Group: Water Works

Carer and Toddler Group: Water Works

Manor Street/Cliftonville Community Group
Cliftonville Community Centre, 60-64 Manor Street, Belfast, BT14 6EA

Childcare Services - Baby Room: Cliftonville

Childcare Services - Baby Room: Cliftonville

Wishing Well Family Centre
7-9 Alliance Crescent, Belfast BT14 7PL

Childcare Services - Junior Playgroup: Ardoyne

Childcare Services - Junior Playgroup: Ardoyne

Wishing Well Family Centre
7-9 Alliance Crescent, Belfast BT14 7PL

Childcare Services - Out of Schools: Cliftonville

Childcare Services - Out of Schools: Cliftonville

Wishing Well Family Centre
7-9 Alliance Crescent, Belfast BT14 7PL

Childcare Services - Pre School Room: Cliftonville

Childcare Services - Pre School Room: Cliftonville

Wishing Well Family Centre
7-9 Alliance Crescent, Belfast, BT14 7PL

Childcare Services - Senior Playgroup: Cliftonville

Childcare Services - Senior Playgroup: Cliftonville

Wishing Well Family Centre
7-9 Alliance Crescent, Belfast, BT14 7PL

Childcare Services - Toddler Room: Cliftonville

Childcare Services - Toddler Room: Cliftonville

Wishing Well Family Centre
7-9 Alliance Crescent, Belfast BT14 7PL

Children's End of Life Care Family Support: Children's Hospice

Children's End of Life Care Family Support: Children's Hospice

Northern Ireland Children's Hospice
18 O'Neill Road Newtownabbey BT36 6WB

Come and Play (Parents and Children Under 4 Years): Benview/Ballysillan

Come and Play (Parents and Children Under 4 Years): Benview/Ballysillan

Benview Community Centre
80 Ballysillan Park, Belfast, BT14 8HD

Community Development - Tackling Social Isolation: Ballygomartin

Community Development - Tackling Social Isolation: Ballygomartin

St Andrew's Community Action Group (SACAG)
229 Ballgomartin Road Belfast BT13 3NB

Community Family Support Programme: New Lodge

Community Family Support Programme: New Lodge

Ashton Community Trust
5 Churchill Street, Belfast BT15 2BP

Community Hub: New Lodge

Community Hub: New Lodge

Lower North Belfast Family Support Hub
5 Churchill Street, Belfast, BT15 2BP

Community Positive Parenting Course: Ballygomartin

Community Positive Parenting Course: Ballygomartin

St Andrew's Community Action Group (SACAG)
229 Ballygomartin Road Belfast BT13 3NB

Creche: Newtownabbey

Creche: Newtownabbey

Abbey Presbyterian Church
99-101 Monkstown Road Newtownabey, BT37 0LG

Domestic Abuse, Recovering Together (DART™): Help to Children and Mothers Domestically Abused

Dunlewey Cares Family Service (Early Intervention Service for Families and Adults Affected by Alcohol/Drugs)

Early Intervention Support Service (EISS): Families with Children 0-18

Early Intervention Support Service (EISS): Families with Children 0-18

Amelia House 4 Amelia Street Belfast BT2 7GS

Education, Advice and Support to Victims/Survivors + Development of Cross-community Links: Greater Shankill Area

Emergency Paediatric First Aid course (1 day)

Emergency Paediatric First Aid course (1 day)

First Aid for Churches Training Service
Northern Ireland

Emotional and Practical support for families

Emotional and Practical support for families

Home-Start Causeway
Home-Start Causeway, 74-76 Railway Road, Coleraine, BT52 1PG

Empowerment through photography and story sharing

Families Together: Accessible Family Support for Parents/Carers

Family & Child Care and Protection: Belfast

Family & Child Care and Protection: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Shankill Wellbeing and Treatment Centre
83 Shankill Road, Belfast, BT13 1FD

Family Education, Training and Employability: Crumlin Road

Family Education, Training and Employability: Crumlin Road

The Vine Centre
Vine Centre 193 Crumlin Road Belfast BT14 7DX

Family Fun (9 months to 3 years): Newtownabbey

Family Fun (9 months to 3 years): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Family Fun (Child Care Experiences for Children): North Belfast

Family Fun (Child Care Experiences for Children): North Belfast

Smile SureStart
168-170 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast BT15 2GB

Family Fun Days: Heart Families (Families with a Child Living with a Heart Disease)

Family Fun Days: Heart Families (Families with a Child Living with a Heart Disease)

Children's Heartbeat Trust
Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland St, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Family Funday (Discovery of the Ashton Centre FabLab): Churchill Street

Family Funday (Discovery of the Ashton Centre FabLab): Churchill Street

Ashton Centre FabLab
The Ashton Centre, 5 Churchill Street, Belfast, BT15 2BP

Family Group - Family Project: Belfast

Family Group - Family Project: Belfast

Here NI
23-31 Waring Street, Belfast, BT1 2DX

Family Group - Family Support and Fun: Cliftonville

Family Group - Family Support and Fun: Cliftonville

Home-Start North Belfast
The Jolly Roger Complex, Alliance Road, Belfast BT14 7JE

Family Learning (Involving Parents in School): Rosstulla Special School, Newtownabbey

Family Learning (Involving Parents in School): Rosstulla Special School, Newtownabbey

Rosstulla Special School
2 Jordanstown Road, Newtownabbey BT37 0QS

Family Nurse Partnership (Home Visiting Programme for First-time Young Parents): Belfast

Family Nurse Partnership (Home Visiting Programme for First-time Young Parents): Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Grove Wellbeing and Treatment Centre
120 York Road, Belfast, BT15 3HF

Family Service: Parents with a Learning Difficulty or an Autistic Spectrum Condition

Family Service: Woodvale

Family Service: Woodvale

Central Belfast Contact Centre
Small Wonders 2, 17 Morpeth Street, Belfast, BT13 3HZ

Family Services: North Belfast

Family Services: North Belfast

North Belfast Alternatives
254-256 Ballysillan Road, Belfast BT14 6RA

Family Support & Befriending: Duncairn

Family Support & Befriending: Duncairn

Smile SureStart
168-170 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast BT15 2GB

Family Support (End of Life Care, Care at Home, Respite, Etc): Children's Hospice

Family Support (End of Life Care, Care at Home, Respite, Etc): Children's Hospice

Northern Ireland Children's Hospice
18 O'Neill Road Newtownabbey BT36 6WB

Family Support - Substance Misuse: Carlisle House, New Lodge

Family Support - Substance Misuse: Carlisle House, New Lodge

Carlisle House
4 Henry Place, Belfast BT15 2BB

Family Support and Signposting: Duncairn

Family Support and Signposting: Duncairn

187-189 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast, County Antrim, BT15 2GF

Family Support Hub: Shankill

Family Support Hub: Shankill

Greater Shankill Partnership
Spectrum Centre 331-333 Shankill Road BELFAST BT13 3AA

Family Support Hubs - Signposting To Relevant Services

Family Support Hubs - Signposting To Relevant Services

Amelia House 4 Amelia Street Belfast BT2 7GS

Family Support Hubs - Signposting to Relevant Services (Early Intervention)

Family Support Hubs - Signposting to Relevant Services (Early Intervention)

Ashton Community Trust
22 Cliftonville Road, Belfast BT14 6JX

Family Support Service: Belfast

Family Support Service: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre
40 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 2AX

family support Sessions - Delivered by Cancer Focus NI

family support Sessions - Delivered by Cancer Focus NI

Cancer Lifeline
44 Alliance Avenue, Belfast, BT14 7PJ

Family Support: Alcohol and Other Drugs

Family Support: Alcohol and Other Drugs

Addiction NI
Addiction NI Lombard House 10-20 Lombard Street Belfast BT1 1RD

Family Support: Ardoyne

Family Support: Ardoyne

Grace Women's Development Limited
Ardoyne Community Centre, 40 Herbert Street, Belfast, BT14 7FE

Family Support: Families Affected by Cancer

Family Support: Families Affected by Cancer

Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
40-44 Eglantine Avenue, Belfast BT9 6DX (headquarters)

Family Support: home-visiting support, group work and social events (North Belfast)

Family Support: home-visiting support, group work and social events (North Belfast)

Home-Start North Belfast
NICVA Building, 61 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast, BT15 2GB

Family Support: Parents Living With/Affected by HIV

Family Support: Parents Living With/Affected by HIV

Positive Life
20 Derryvolgie Avenue Belfast BT9 6FN

Family Therapy (Helping Rebuild and Repair Relationships)

Family Therapy (Helping Rebuild and Repair Relationships)

Action Mental Health
25 Ardoyne Road, Belfast BT14 7HX

Family Therapy Programme (Professionals Working with Families Experiencing Problems)

Family Ties: Monthly Meeting for Families of LGBTQ+ People

Family Ties: Monthly Meeting for Families of LGBTQ+ People

23-31 Waring St, Belfast, BT1 2DX

Family Ties: Monthly Meeting for Families of LGBTQ+ People

Family Ties: Monthly Meeting for Families of LGBTQ+ People

The Rainbow Project
LGBT centre, Waring Street, Belfast, BT1 2DX



Enniskillen Foodbank
The Lakes Vineyard Church 6–8 Cross Street Enniskillen BT74 7DX

Free, independent, impartial and confidential advice on a wide range of issues

Free, independent, impartial and confidential advice on a wide range of issues

Community Advice Causeway
2nd Floor, 1-5 Brook Street Coleraine BT52 1PW

Freephone Advice Helpline

Freephone Advice Helpline

Advice NI
Northern Ireland

Group Sessions: Glengormley, Newtownabbey

Group Sessions: Glengormley, Newtownabbey

Fitmoms & Kids
3 Portland Avenue, Glengormley Newtownabbey BT36 5EY

Home-based Practical, Social and Emotional Support to Families of Premature and Sick Babies

Home-based Practical, Social and Emotional Support to Families of Premature and Sick Babies

Tiny Life, The Arches Centre, 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue Belfast BT5 5AA

Home-Visiting for Families (Isolation, Disability, Mental Health, Bereavement, Ilnesses, Poverty, Etc): North Belfast

Incredible Babies (0-12 months): Newtownabbey

Incredible Babies (0-12 months): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Incredible Years (2-4 years): Newtownabbey

Incredible Years (2-4 years): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Independent Guardian Service

Independent Guardian Service

Barnardo's NI
542-544 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3HE

Infant Aquatics (Recommended after children have their 2nd immunisation): Newtownabbey

Information and Support: Families with Twins, Triplets or More

Information and Support: Families with Twins, Triplets or More

Twins Trust (Formerly TAMBA - Twins and Multiple Births Association)
NICVA Building 61 Duncairn Gardens Belfast BT15 2GB

Integrated Services for Children & Young People 4+ (Family Support): Greater Shankill Area

Integrated Services for Children & Young People 4+ (Family Support): Greater Shankill Area

Greater Shankill Partnership
Spectrum Centre, 331-333 Shankill Rd, Belfast BT13 3AA

Integrated Services for Children and Young People: Greater Shankill

Integrated Services for Children and Young People: Greater Shankill

Integrated Services for Children & Young People
Spectrum Centre, 331-333 Shankill Road, Belfast, BT13 3AA

Kids' Club (Primary 1 to 7): Woodvale

Kids' Club (Primary 1 to 7): Woodvale

Woodvale Community Centre
74a Disraeli Street, Belfast, BT13 3HW

Let's Create (12 months+): Newtownabbey

Let's Create (12 months+): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Let's Talk (Promotion of Children's Communication): Newtownabbey

Let's Talk (Promotion of Children's Communication): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Little Chefs (for children aged 2-4 years): Newtownabbey

Little Chefs (for children aged 2-4 years): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Living with Young Children (LWYC): Newtownabbey

Living with Young Children (LWYC): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Local Group - Deaf Children and Young People and Their Families: Newtownabbey

Lullabies and Beddy-byes: Newtownabbey

Lullabies and Beddy-byes: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Mentoring/Home Visitations for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties: New Lodge

Mini Medics First Aid for Children

Mini Medics First Aid for Children

MCP First Aid Training

Mini Movers: Newtownabbey

Mini Movers: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Mood Matters Parent and Baby © (Mental Health - Parents and Children 0-3)

Mother & Toddlers: Limestone Road, Duncairn

Mother & Toddlers: Limestone Road, Duncairn

Crosscollyer Street Evangelical Presbyterian Church
10 Crosscollyer Street, Belfast, BT15 3DS

Mothers and Toddlers: Shankill

Mothers and Toddlers: Shankill

Living Hope Belfast Church
25 Shankill Parade Belfast, BT13 1DS

Mothers and Toddlers: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Mothers and Toddlers: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle
837-869 Shore Road, Belfast, BT15 4HS

Mums and Toddlers: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Mums and Toddlers: Burnthill, Newtownabbey

Ballyhenry Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland
Ballyhenry Road, Newtownabbey BT36 5LU

Mums and Tots: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Mums and Tots: Mallusk, Newtownabbey

Ballycraigy Congregational Church
Ballycraigy Congregational Church Ballycraigy Road, Newtownabbey BT36 4TB

Need to Talk project - Counselling and confidence building support for people with sight loss and their families

Need to Talk project - Counselling and confidence building support for people with sight loss and their families

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB NI)
Call the RNIB Helpline on 0303 123 9999 or email helpline@rnib.org.uk

Neonatal Unit Support to Parents of Premature and Vulnerable Babies

Neonatal Unit Support to Parents of Premature and Vulnerable Babies

The Arches Centre, 1st Floor, 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue Belfast BT5 5AA

Nurturing (for parents with children over 1 year old): Newtownabbey

Nurturing (for parents with children over 1 year old): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Outreach and Home Visiting Services: New Lodge

Outreach and Home Visiting Services: New Lodge

Smile SureStart
168-170 Duncairn Gardens, Belfast BT15 2GB

Paediatric First Aid: Parents, Carers and Young People Living with Heart Disease

Paediatric First Aid: Parents, Carers and Young People Living with Heart Disease

Children's Heartbeat Trust
Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland St, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Parent Accommodation (Children's Hospital): Parents of Children with a Heart Disease

Parent Accommodation (Children's Hospital): Parents of Children with a Heart Disease

Children's Heartbeat Trust
Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland St, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Parent and Toddler Group: Woodvale

Parent and Toddler Group: Woodvale

Woodvale Community Centre
74a Disraeli Street, Belfast BT13 3HW

Parent and Toddler Groups: Ballygomartin

Parent and Toddler Groups: Ballygomartin

St Andrew's Community Action Group (SACAG)
229 Ballygomartin Road Belfast BT13 3NB

Parent Programmes e.g. Cook It, Nurture, Parenting Puzzle: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel

Parent Programmes e.g. Cook It, Nurture, Parenting Puzzle: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel

Glenbrook Sure Start
Units 8 & 9 Wolfhill Centre , 148 Ligoniel Road, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT14 8DT

Parenting Matters (Parents/Carers in Prison or Working with Probation Board NI)

Parenting Matters (Parents/Carers in Prison or Working with Probation Board NI)

Barnardo's NI
Somerset House, 234 Ormeau Road, Belfast, BT7 2FZ

Parents & Toddler Group: Duncairn

Parents & Toddler Group: Duncairn

174 Trust
Duncairn Complex Duncairn Avenue Belfast BT14 6BP

Parents & Toddlers: Glengormley

Parents & Toddlers: Glengormley

Glengormley Congregation Of The Presbyterian Church In Ireland
267 Antrim Rd, Newtownabbey BT36 7QN

Parents & Tots: City Life Centre, Shankill

Parents & Tots: City Life Centre, Shankill

Hobby Horse Playgroup
City Life Centre 143 Northumberland Street Belfast BT13 2JF

Parents Groups/Courses: Rosetta, Ormeau

Parents Groups/Courses: Rosetta, Ormeau

Families First
Good Shepherd Centre, 511 Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 3GS

Parents Teachers Association: Seaview Primary School, Belfast

Parents Teachers Association: Seaview Primary School, Belfast

Seaview Primary School PTA
Seaview Drive, Belfast, Antrim BT15 3NB

PCN Totzone: Newtownabbey

PCN Totzone: Newtownabbey

The People's Church Newtownabbey
64 Mallusk Road, Mallusk, Newtownabbey, BT36 4QE

Play & Learn: Newtownabbey

Play & Learn: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Postnatal Support: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel Ward

Postnatal Support: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel Ward

Glenbrook Sure Start
Units 8 & 9 Wolfhill Centre , 148 Ligoniel Road, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT14 8DT

Recruitement and Support to Foster Carers (Children with Extra Needs)

Recruitement and Support to Foster Carers (Children with Extra Needs)

Barnardo's NI
230b Belmont Road Belfast BT4 2AW

Resources & Publications Library (Premature and Vulnerable Babies): Carryduff

Resources & Publications Library (Premature and Vulnerable Babies): Carryduff

Tiny Life, The Arches Centre 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast BT5 5AA

Resources & Publications Library (Premature and Vulnerable Babies): Carryduff

Resources & Publications Library (Premature and Vulnerable Babies): Carryduff

Tiny Life The Arches Centre 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast BT5 5AA

Rhythm Kids: Newtownabbey

Rhythm Kids: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Roar and Explore - Play Area for Children: Dunmurry

Roar and Explore - Play Area for Children: Dunmurry

The Ortus Group
3 Stewartstown Road Dunmurry, Belfast BT17 0AW

Routes To Resilience (Bespoke Programmes for Families): Belfast

Routes To Resilience (Bespoke Programmes for Families): Belfast

Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre
4-6 Donegall Street Place, Belfast, BT1 2FN

SCOPE - Supporting Children of Prisoners: Greater Belfast Area

Sensory Babies: Newtownabbey

Sensory Babies: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Shalom Creche: Cliftonville

Shalom Creche: Cliftonville

The Lamb Of God Community
12 Cliftonville Road Belfast BT14 6JX

Signposting to Relevant Services (Vulnerable Families and Young People): North Belfast

Signposting to Relevant Services (Vulnerable Families and Young People): North Belfast

Lower North Belfast Family Support Hub
5 Churchill Street , Belfast , BT15 2BP

Signposting to Relevant Services: North Belfast

Signposting to Relevant Services: North Belfast

Home-Start North Belfast
85 Alliance Road, Belfast, BT14 7JE

Social Programmes for Thorndale Lifehouse Residents: Duncairn

Social Programmes for Thorndale Lifehouse Residents: Duncairn

Thorndale Lifehouse
8 Duncairn Avenue Belfast BT146BP

Speech, Language and Communication Support: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel Ward

Speech, Language and Communication Support: Ardoyne, Cliftonville or Ligoniel Ward

Glenbrook Sure Start
Units 8 & 9 Wolfhill Centre , 148 Ligoniel Road, Belfast, Co Antrim, BT14 8DT

Story Sacks and Story Puppets Creche: Newtownabbey

Story Sacks and Story Puppets Creche: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Strengthening Families (Enhancing Relationships Between 12-16 Years Old and Parents)

Sunday Morning Creche (0-4): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Sunday Morning Creche (0-4): Shore Road, Innisfayle

Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle
837-869 Shore Road, Belfast, BT15 4HS

Sundays Crèche: York Road

Sundays Crèche: York Road

Alexandra Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Alexandra Presbyterian Church 80 York Rd, Belfast BT15 3HF

Support for Mothers and their Children: Ballygomartin

Support for Mothers and their Children: Ballygomartin

Quaker Cottage
295a Ballygomartin Road, Belfast, BT13 3QX

Sure Starts Developmental Programme for 2-3 Year Olds: Newtownabbey

Sure Starts Developmental Programme for 2-3 Year Olds: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

The Same Sex Family Project: Information and Support to LGBT Couples and their Children

Venue Hire

Venue Hire

Belfast Exposed
23 Donegall Street, Belfast, BT1 2FF

W.R.A.P (Programme for Parents): Newtownabbey

W.R.A.P (Programme for Parents): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Young Families (Parents and Children in Primary School): Shankill

Young Families (Parents and Children in Primary School): Shankill

Living Hope Belfast Church
25 Shankill Parade Belfast, BT13 1DS

Young Persons' Substance Use

Young Persons' Substance Use

8-30 Barrack St, Belfast BT12 4AJ

Abbey Tots: Newtownabbey

Abbey Presbyterian Church

99-101 Monkstown Road, Newtownabey BT37 0LG

Adoption and Fostering Counselling Support

Relate NI

3rd and 4th Floor3 Glengall Street Belfast BT12 5AB

Afterschools Playclub: Crumlin Road

The Vine Centre

Vine Centre, 193 Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 7DX

Antenatal Diagnosis Service: Children with a Heart Condition

Children's Heartbeat Trust

Children's Heartbeat Trust, Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland Street, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Baby and Toddler Club (Drop In): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start

440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Baby Massage Class (Premature, Vulnerable and Sick Babies)


Tiny Life, The Arches Centre 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast BT5 5AA

Baby Massage: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start

440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Baby Sign (6 months+): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start

440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Baby Time: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start

440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Baby Yoga (4-9 months): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start

440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Because You're Worth It (Programme for Parents): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start

440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Belfast Children's Festival

Young at Art

Young at Art HQ: Cotton Court 30 - 42 Waring Street Belfast BT1 2ED

Benefits advice

Law Centre NI

West Gate House, 2-4 Queen Street, Belfast

COVID-19 Service

Bereavement Care to Families/Carers: Hospice

NI Hospice Belfast

74 Somerton Road Belfast County Antrim BT15 3LH

Bereavement Groups for Parents That Have Lost a Child to Congenital Heart Disease

Children's Heartbeat Trust

Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland St, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Bereavement Support to Parents: Children's Hospice

Northern Ireland Children's Hospice

18 O'Neill Road Newtownabbey BT36 6WB


Belfast Exposed

23 Donegall Street

Breast Pump Loan Service: Bloomfield


Tiny Life, The Arches Centre, first floor 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue Belfast BT5 5AA

Buggy Brigade: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start

440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Buggy Buddies: York Road

Alexandra Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Alexandra Presbyterian Church 80 York Rd, Belfast BT15 3HF

Bulrush Day Nursery: Crumlin Road

The Vine Centre

Bulrush Day Nursery, 1-17 Century Street, Crumlin Road, Belfast BT14 7BW

Busy Bees (18 months+): Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start

440 Shore Road, Newtownabbey, BT37 9RU

Caravans: Heart Families (Families with a Child Living with a Heart Disease)

Children's Heartbeat Trust

Howard Building, HF10, Twin Spires Centre, 155 Northumberland St, Belfast, BT13 2JF

Care and Support for Parents (Peer Support): Children's Hospice

Northern Ireland Children's Hospice

18 O'Neill Road Newtownabbey BT36 6WB

Carer and Toddler Group: Water Works

Manor Street/Cliftonville Community Group

Cliftonville Community Centre, 60-64 Manor Street, Belfast, BT14 6EA