54.62685998279, -5.9346600277045

Bereavement Care to Families/Carers: Hospice

NI Hospice Belfast
Help offered

We all experience bereavement at some point, leaving many feeling vulnerable. However grief and loss are completely normal experiences, a part of life. Caring for you and your family following the death of a loved one is an important part of the service we provide at Hospice. Bereavement support is offered to the families/carers of the person who has died and was known to Hospice services.

How to access this support

If you would like to arrange for bereavement support for yourself or your family, or would like to know more about the service, get in touch via the online contact form: https://www.nihospice.org/adult-hospice/adult-hospice-services/for-families-and-carer

Telephone number
Supported Age Groups