54.664919983905, -5.9459800394

Adult Services For Professionals (Hospice Care)

NI Hospice Belfast
Help offered

Our teams of specially trained staff are committed to this ethos and are ready and waiting to share this knowledge to professionals across the healthcare sector, both locally and internationally. Whether you would like to know more about our model of care in an informal setting, or if you would like to undertake formal learning and training with us, we are here to help.

We offer everything from tours to training courses and external teaching to remote learning to help you become more acquainted with Hospice care.

How to access this support

The referrer must be a clinical professional who has assessed the patient and main carer(s) and has knowledge of the disease, symptoms, treatments, likely prognosis and the patient’s preferred place of care. If the referrer is someone other than the pers

Telephone number
Service Category
Supported Age Groups