Young at Art

Young at Art

Young at Art
Cotton Court
United Kingdom

Young at Art is one of Northern Ireland's leading children's arts not-for-profit companies and home of Young at Art Events and the Belfast Children's Festival.

From its base in Belfast's city centre, Young at Art coordinates not only an international festival but also a wide variety of projects that encourage children and young people under 18 to enjoy the arts, develop awareness of its impact on their lives, and have a say in what their arts provision should be. These include workshop programmes, commissions, regional touring, seminars, training, research, publications and the development of on-line resources.

Young at Art believes passionately that every child should have the right to access exciting and original creative experiences, regardless of who they are or where they come from. As such most of its programme is universally accessible. Behind the scenes work such as outreach projects try to overcome barriers to access - economic, educational, social and physical.

Young at Art's Content

Dec 20 9:00am

Baby Rave X Young at Art Refresh Tender

Young at Art

Young at Art is seeking a quotation for services to refresh the look and experience of our Baby Rave event. 
Job | Flexible

Freelance Artistic Support

Young at Art


More Information

Type of Organisation



  • Belfast Children's Week
  • Sarah Kelly