54.670280001438, -5.902070014692

Sure Starts Developmental Programme for 2-3 Year Olds: Newtownabbey

ABBEY Sure Start
Help offered

This programme is for children in their pre-pre-school year. The programme focuses on constructive play in group settings to enhance children's all round development. A central element of the programme is participation and involvement of parents. The programme runs from September to June much like a school/nursery year, with settling in starting in August.

How to access this support

Open days for the programme are held in January each year (see news section for dates, venues and times). Expression of interest forms are available at the open days and closing date for completing is normally around the beginning of February for the term starting September. Contact organisation for access to this service - registration is available on their website for this service.

Telephone number
Service Category
Supported Age Groups